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  1. Solved
  2. Yes it crashed at first beause of root detection after hiding root, its fine but searching any value will lead to also crash because it has anti debug, i tried gameguardian hide but there is no way around it. I cant find a solution
  3. You are a legend thanks. I thought there is no api for it
  4. I made my own lua script which is -- Define the address to search for (in hexadecimal format) local targetAddressHex = "7AF6EF6780" -- Replace with your specific hexadecimal address -- Convert the hexadecimal string to a number local targetAddressNum = tonumber(targetAddressHex, 16) -- Set the search parameters and search gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber(targetAddressNum, gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) -- Get the search results local results = gg.getResults(500) -- Add each result to the Game Guardian items list gg.addListItems(results) Which saves all found addresses as last step so i can do the text step i want which is offset calculation i do it with type float and value is 14. Anyway to do it with lua instead of keep doing manually every time?
  5. game developer did this right? im wondering what's the point
  6. Did you see the picture? Why ?????? @Enyby I mean... this has to be on purpose right? Please someone tell me what that means and why im seeing this. I was just trying to find values and go to it's pointer then i found this inside a pointer. Game name: dungeon hunter 6
  7. I started playing this game expecting it was f2p but boy ... i started spending, then i rememberd my game guardian skills and i said that's it !! Here is what i have done so far. i firstly dumbed the game ( It's a UNITY GAME ) easy to dumb without protection. i looked at everyline in the dump.cs and method and tested many things and the 2 things seem that i was able to hack through the game was 1st: move speed hack Class name ( public class SA_Move : CharacterAutomatState ) in dumb.cs 2nd: dumb enemy/monster attack Method name "public short get_MonsterAI() { }" unfortunately i wanted to find something more useful. then i started tweaking around it with game guardian ... i did attack speed hack but looks like it aint working because it was server sided... i tried doing items hack but also no hope ... what makes me wanna hack this game so bad is that it forced u to pay money or u cant even progress or compete with the higher spender in the game, i spent around 9k$ worth of usd but im not complaining here lol im just having fun in game but trust me it will be worth hacking.. i asked top players some said they spent around 20-30k worth of usd .. but i still beleive there is some vulnerability here or there to do inside the game. im also willing to pay for a useful hack like items hack or any small adventage ... it's an rpg game with the ridiculous vip system which requries u to pay at least 500$ at once to reach the top item prize within 4 days. and every 4 days a new item coming require the same amount of money. im now familiar with its memory stracture but ye cant find anything else to hack or cheat. if you have any questions you can ask me Telegram: HashScannerOfficial
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