I also found out that turning on unrand while transfering item stats is a guaranteed success. I have a tip for you to enhance your weapon as much as you want, Crest of transendance is not needed in doing this since we are transferring item stats. All you need is a lot of stick for crafting a lot of staff(which only needs 1 stick) and make sure that unrand is turn on while crafting them. But first thing to do is to check wether you are getting a blessed item rather than cursed, we can do that by crafting either of these items: stone axe, stone pickaxe, stone knife. Once all of that is done, you can then head to your magic EQPT bench to transfer the item stat while leaving the unrand on. I got like +23 accessory and got bored so do whatever you want.
There proof down below, also the once for golden remains(though I already opened the blue ones and a couple of gold ones XD)