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  1. Hello, hackers, I've played this game for a long time back in the 2008-12 and then it disappeared out of my memory. And now it came to my mind again after ten years and it still rocks. But I wanted to use GG to alter values & currencies. But it seems that it's unhackable or there's just an advanced way to hack it. In offline mode, the game detects GG and other hacking tools, Lucky Patcher, even though they have different names. And I'm using the game in the stock/rom storage (what I mean is, I'm not using Xposed or Virtual Spaces). But in online mode, when connected to the internet, it doesn't detect any cheater apps. So this works with it... I've tried Auto-Search with Encrypted values but at the end no change could be applied to the values. And with other search methods, such as Word, Qword, etc, the values are easily shown but yet can't be changed. I've used these methods from these pages: Castle TD: Purple Crystal Value (#2rusx5xk) [REQ] Castle Defense / Castle TD (#4saub9wu)[REQ] Castle Defense / Castle TD (#2qh7yscm) Yet no luck! I'd be very thankful for any help in this topic!
  2. Yes, you can go over 9999 crystals by adding an extra square to the same equation. Like: 808464433 + (A - 1) + (B x 256) + (C x 256²) + (D x 256³) + (E x 256⁴)+ ..... And keep going over, I used this it worked but I don't know which version was, now this totally doesn't work neither the equation!
  3. Can you hack with over 6-7 digit number? [added 1 minute later] Can you hack with over 6-7 digit number?
  4. Really late to reply but does this work for all games or just this game ?
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