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YoungBai last won the day on August 19 2015

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    4.0.x (Ice Cream Sandwich)
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    Xperia S LT26i
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  1. OK, I already viewed my profile, all notifications are enabled, I ask oneskyapp official to solve this problem now.
  2. Hi, Anty0 want to translation the Czech language, need to add a new Czech language in the GG project. And now why I can't receive the new string translation notice of the GG project in the oneskyapp? What reason?
  3. @d2dyno Hi, d2dyno, I sent a message to you, you don't see it?
  4. This is the simplified Chinese translation of the new string in version 7.3.5, you can send the English xml file to me ([email protected]) before the release of the new version, after the completion of the translation and then send mail to you, so you can put the improved new string added to the new version. values-zh-rCN.zip
  5. Yeah, originally intended to change the email address I often use, you help me merge these two accounts when I am being modified,when you help me to verify the completion, I was once again modified, and then can't to receive mail, and finally use Google mail address to received, now can sign in, can ignore it, I am a lazy person, ha ha.
  6. Hi, @d2dyno Is there a problem with the forum's mail server? why I change my email address for QQ mail address can not receive the verification of the mail, and change for Google mail address can receive, but it takes a long time to receive, almost can't sign in the forum, today is a little depressed.
  7. Good, thank you, so it will be better.
  8. @Enyby Hi, Enyby, I'm YoungBai, now this account is what I often use, because before I forget this account password and mailbox, "eviler" this account is registered again, just suddenly remember password protected mailbox to find back.
  9. Hi, all the translation work has been completed, and perhaps a small part of it may not be too accurate, because I do not know which is the case of the display string, so can not be very appropriate translation, but this Chinese translation has been very good, if it is used by Chinese people, there is absolutely no problem. values-zh-rCN.zip
  10. OK. I'll translate them to Chinese and then upload them to the forum.
  11. Hello, I'm YoungBai. I'm from China,and glad to see you in my blog comments. I use Android devices, I can help you improve the Android version of the simplified Chinese translation. If you need to improve translation the file is "res\values-zh-rCN\strings.xml", then you do not need to send to me. I can be derived from the file "GG.apk" . You don't need use the automatic translation reply to me. Because the automatic translation to the Chinese grammar, there will be some inappropriate place.We can use English to communicate. Although my English is not good, But I can use translation tools to translate what you say.
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