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MonkeySAN last won the day on March 23

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    Xiaomi 12 Pro

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  1. a few hours ago, i checked and it said it was added as unreleased but later was removed from the game. now its back again?
  2. use this script to edit the amount of Build items you've already unlocked. TEST_Build_Amount_V3.lua - work with 32bit and 64bit
  3. - now again tap hold address in box. - Go to the pointer then on that page scroll down, see if there are words from top to bottom that read : FacilityData like this below :
  4. all of them. 75;3;3;24;50::17 Optional - value that i freezed as shown in the video as long as 5 values above stay original,i think you will be fine. revert to original whenever want to get another item. make it a habit. it may be troublesome but trust me, it will save you in the long run. otherwise its your call.
  5. thats because offset 0x14 wasnt correct to begin with. Build item = Gate value 1 = Pointer value 2 = Build ID value 3 = Build Level value 4 = Amount now i want you tap hold value 1 until this popup appear : i dont know if 32bit the same as 64bit. but if there are 2 "Go to the Pointer", then choose the 2nd one with long address - it will bring you to the next page - screen shot that and post it here. --------------------------------- btw..you can search the Gate more easily using this group search = 28;0;1;99::13
  6. IDs are the same as from that older post. to change item, change the ID. after you had done, dont forget to change it back to original values and save the game. it will stay the same after restart. so that you can easily find that item again if needed. in this case, Sturdy Board. group search = 75;3;3;24;50::17
  7. Ahh...yes. my mistake..im getting old and keep forgeting things. editing the Items directly will only cause it to reset after restart. even though your storehouse had much spaces. you need to earn the item(found by resident) or in this case buy it from Materials Shop. lets me get back to you, once i cleared the fog and get access to the Materials Shop.
  8. i dont know. i dont play the game that far...i think. and you dont need to buy in Materials Shop. you can just hack the Items, you already had. the only thing is you need to have enough space in your storage building. if your Storehouse(Items) had max capacity of 10 editing amount any item to 500 will not save it as it pass the max limit. so you need to hack Storehouse max limit. and to be honest, you dont want to do that as it can break the game the more you hack the items. to a point where the game just freeze or crash whenever you open it. even so it not freeze or crash, the game will be so lagging(1-2fps),it become so unplayable.
  9. hmm.. at 0:31 seconds, just before you try to activate it. i see values are not edited with 28008052r;E803679Er
  10. take a look into my script and compare with yours. then you will know why its not working.
  11. well. like i said will never ever join Telegram..so i will not install it just to get the file. Anyway thanks again. Have a nice day.
  12. join Telegram? not in million billion trillion years. thanks anyway. about Vmos can you point me to the right direction or a link maybe?
  13. however you can manually search the amount. i think the build ID still the same. for example: Wall: Fence ID is 23 search : = ID; Wall : Fence Level;Amount::13 = 23;1;100::13
  14. unfortunately, i cant do it at the moment. i need the 32bit version of the game(apk) for testing which i dont have and cant find a working one on my Android 15 device.
  15. make a 32 bit what?
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