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MonkeySAN last won the day on January 16

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    Xiaomi 12 Pro

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  1. something happened. i deleted my previous save game. i start a new game and season pass all over again. the UTF-8 strings that i provided before was no where to be found. same as yours above. the new UTF-8 for me is now = :SSPSuit17IcePoints.amount in my old game the season pass title was Ice Pass and had 19 days left. now its just says Season Pass and only had 7 days left. so i dont really know what was happened. i dont play the game that much. only for season pass hack.
  2. well. thats the first time. i done tested it countless time by now with the UTF-8 search. it work just fine on my side. cant say whats wrong with you..though.
  3. For the new season points: UTF-8 search = SSPCreativeClusterPoints.amount Dword ordered group search = 31D;1,129,337,683D;1,952,540,018D;1,130,722,921D;1,953,723,756D;1,867,543,141D;1,937,010,281D;1,869,439,278D::29 HEX search = h 00 53 53 50 43 72 65 61 74 69 76 65 43 6C 75 73 74 65 72 50 6F 69 6E 74 73 2E 61 6D 6F 75 6E 74 00 - Season pass unlock by @NoFear still working - Armv8 only
  4. i dont understand..you cant find it?
  5. well.. i guess they put the dino data back into the game after it was removed sometime ago.
  6. For the new season points : UTF-8 search = :SSPPet16PenguinPoints.amount HEX search = h 00 53 53 50 50 65 74 31 36 50 65 6E 67 75 69 6E 50 6F 69 6E 74 73 2E 61 6D 6F 75 6E 74 00 Dword ordered group search = 28D;1,347,441,491D;909,210,725D;1,735,288,144D;1,349,413,237D;1,953,393,007D;1,835,085,427D;1,953,396,079D::29 - Season pass unlock by @NoFear still working - armv8 only
  7. Jurassic World: The Game how to get a locked dinosaur? (#13iz7s65)
  8. as far as i know, i never delete it yet. its still available to download.
  9. New season points. UTF-8 search = :SSPPet14OwlPoints.amount Dword group search = 24D;1,347,441,491D;875,656,293D;1,349,285,711D;1,953,393,007D;1,835,085,427D;1,953,396,079D::25 HEX search = h 00 53 53 50 50 65 74 31 34 4F 77 6C 50 6F 69 6E 74 73 2E 61 6D 6F 75 6E 74 00 - Season pass unlock by @NoFear still working - Armv8 only
  10. Please elaborate the problem.
  11. im no expert in scripting but for a simple ON-OFF script, this is how i came up with : local gg = gg r = {"[ON]","[OFF]"} SW = r[2] function main() local menu = gg.choice({ "\nFireRate Hack"..SW, "\nEXIT"}, nil, "ON OFF Menu") if menu == nil then return elseif menu == 1 then hack1() elseif menu == 2 then os.exit() end end function hack1() if SW == r[2] then -- codes here -- gg.alert("FireRate Hack Enable") SW = r[1] else -- codes here -- gg.alert("FireRate Hack Disable") SW = r[2] end end while true do if gg.isVisible() then gg.setVisible(false) main() end end
  12. or from the Free Growth Found ???
  13. hmmm..im not 100% sure but that percentage values are very easy to search. Float type and the number are exactly as it is. 100% = 100 in Float can do an ordered group search starting from value at the top to bottom. the edited values stay even you change to another location but not after restart. need to search it again. i did tested it and it worked.
  14. something like this?
  15. Season pass hack by @NoFear is still working. just increase group size to 4509 edit as usual Armv8 only UTF-8 search for new season points = :SSPDecor13EgyptPoints.amount using HEX search = h 1C 00 00 00 53 53 50 44 65 63 6F 72 31 33 45 67 79 70 74 50 6F 69 6E 74 73 2E 61 6D 6F 75 6E 74
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