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Everything posted by JordanGFX

  1. Hello. As you can tell I am part of the GFX Team. So I just wanted to show some basic work I have been doing over the past couple of weeks and hope to share and develop my skills here! So here they are.. My Photoshop Signatures: *WARNING. A LOT OF IMAGES* Desktops: *WARNING. BIG SIZES* Some of my Photoshop+Cinema4D speedarts: Please feel free to PM me if you want ANYTHING graphic related. I would answer straight away as Im at college and busy with family. But will answer ASAP. Also please subscribe to my Youtube Channel http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsUhgDrMwYPx1renSHBZXbA Hope you enjoy my graphics!!!
  2. Well if you need anything Graphic Wise I will be here to help Just PM me or something
  3. I tried modding it myself. Its hard to get Unlimited SS Gold coins as they are sever sided. But I'm also trying to make a IAP Crack one. If I can get it to work I'll let you know
  4. Newest member to GFX Team :)

  5. Why are you even reading this?!?!

  6. Glad to be here
  7. Hello, I like the site hehe. I came from iOSCoderz and want to share my graphics and mods. Hope I enjoy it here
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