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MarioRossi93i last won the day on December 16 2024

MarioRossi93i had the most liked content!

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  • Android
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    Oneplus 7t pro
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  1. the better way is to root your device, virtual space can have issues. you can also install an wmulator on pc
  2. /sdcard/Android/data/com.ea.games.r3_row/files/doc/character.2.dat
  3. try to store values in a table then call the function only once
  4. make sure that a,bss,ca,cd regions are enabled in gg
  5. first of all if the script is not updated it is very likely that it will not work, then, can you be a little more clear please? what error do you get?
  6. i have no more time to update it, i repeat, i can fix your profile, upload it to a file sharing site, then send me the download link
  7. New version released!
  8. New version released!
  9. New version released!
  10. New version released!
  11. try it. it should be working
  12. you can t upgrade or vip? both? are you on 32 or 64bit? have you tried a game restart? i need more info to understand what i have to fix, thanks
  13. you can do a group search like this: 1620;728::5 or 1620;728;1620;728::13 to search only for values that have an offset of 0x4 if you still have too many results you can see if there are any unique values close to the ones you need and use them to select the right addresses. then you can use a while loop to set the resolution values in the background
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