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Everything posted by MilkyGT
thanksss again, im gonna learn it by myself
i know you are being kind rn, i have no idea what you have done with this, i just wanna know the example of it, im not gonna trying to steal your code without any permission from you, bcus the code also was encrypted,its gonna took so long without any example, its all about my project on build script. it just blow my mind when the address automaticly copied with the fresh (address)code every single time. so please...
anyway can i know what you've done with this? cus im gonna learn by my self with what you have done or bcus its rlly usefull for me, can ya? or you gonna teach me? im a script builder tho.
actualy the yt link title say "zoom hack" and that is what i want and you've try you best its kinda helping tho,
thnks, ill try it
sure the game called growtopia and i gave you a youtube link what i wanted to do and put in into script
i mean like how? any example of it?
so any other way to get 0 value got select in script? bcus i cant exactly find the value what i want if i search only 0 number, the value around cannot helping much bcus the code keep changing when im about to hack the game, "the value always at same position" but at the sametime the value code 0, i just wanna know how selecting value in address while the code is zero"0" with script (and the address also changing, not always same). i just wonder to get fastest way to direct (value) code what i want with the script without anytrouble and i just hate do it manually. REGARDS
ohh okok, i still try to find *why*, and i think the value is the problem but on the other side its like system problem(game guardian),ahhh my head explode mhahaha , my bad i didnt say the value is keep changing everytime i walk(move in game) *its normal i think bcus* yaa is it BUT in my head still have this question ##Why when i try to revert WITH script its delay and when i try revert MANUALLY,Its work and no problem(delay)?## yaa i try with VALUE Didnt changing everytime, its work with script, but idk why hahaha with value changing its delay when with script and wasnt with manual, ahhhh its make me stressful hahahah
ohh wait i think im wrong*maybe* save list is fine and normal, i just relize when i using script save list revert is delay (with script) right,but while delay hppn i try to exit from script and then item just took ** can you explain this? @Enyby ** and help me solve this problem whts wrong and wht should i do? yaa when i try with script revert is delay and when i am exit from script its just took from me here the video↓↓↓ Untitled 9 640x360 0.94Mbps 2019-12-27 19-31-41.mp4
ok, but wait i just got some news, is it normal when search value and saved value have different number on same value? this is also wht i mean the save list value chnge into random number, idk wht happn and it shouldn't be like this, or is it normal? **i dont think so** (can you explain this?) @Enyby
hmm hold up, i just forgot so can you explain wht hppn, so point in video IF i didnt save the value its work like manual but if i save the value and revert there have delay, and i just relize if on save list the edited value changed into random number idk why, **can u explain this?** @Enyby Untitled 7 640x360 0.94Mbps 2019-12-25 19-37-01.mp4
hmm can be specific, I think everything is good rn after i found how to edit n revert code in save list, BUT i still dont know why,when i try to REVERT with Script its delay and when i try with manual Revert there no delay, hmmm
here the video and wht the delay thing i mean, the problem is script or the values pls help me @Enyby *sry for low resolution video i couldnt put file more than 14mb* Untitled 4 1920x1080 8.51Mbps 2019-12-25 11-57-57_1056x594.mp4
i have question, So the script have ON/OFF, turn ON Button is good, but When i try to REVERT With OFF button, its so delay like 1minute+/- to revert the values in SAVE LIST the problem is when i click OFF button there have delay idk why i didnt put gg.sleep('') **Can you gimme example how to REVERT Values on save list in lua script** i already put this file for example, its work but when i put into Menu ON/OFF the problem at OFF Menu As you can see at the picture (i try to Edit and Revert on save list) but idk the script **gimme example pls** **↓↓I try this code for Menu ON↓↓** revert = gg.getListItems(1) rev = gg.getListItems(6) t = gg.getListItems(10) for i, v in ipairs(t) do v.flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD v.value = 5 end gg.setValues(t) AND **↓↓i use this code for Menu OFF↓↓** gg.setValues(revert) gg.setValues(rev) Mwhwhhehe.lua