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    LG Aristo 2 *Rooted*
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  1. I was talking about from you on discord and on here.., Haven't heard anything so I assume the 64 and 32 Bit scripts are not ready yet.
  2. Haven't heard about any updates for the script either.
  3. Yep, but the 64 bit script does not work for the latest update.
  4. True.., haha
  5. Same, I struggle with changing values.., that's why It's better if I see a video for help I can't even use script for MKT so for now I'm trying to figure out a way to hack the game till they make another version
  6. Yeah can you help me out too, I've been struggling how to learn how to change the values to get tickets and coins and whatever I can get in the game, It'd be really helpful if you could do a tutorial.
  7. Alright, Mine is Steven.#3420 I'll add you then ask you some questions when I get time
  8. NoFear. Do you have discord?
  9. So where can I buy the script?..
  10. Haha, I've finally rooted my aristo 2 Thanks to all the help some people gave me! Now I'll try and mess with mario kart tour a bit and see if I can change vaules of the coins and tickets. Anyone have any tips for that?..
  11. Alrighty.., sorry then.
  12. Actually.., This might be way harder then I thought. My brain is melting..., I remember doing all these steps months ago and only got my boot loader unlocked (OEM) I spent all day just to get the boot loader unlocked.., The forms on the XDA site is confusing. That's why I gave up months ago, is there any other way I can go by rooting my Aristo 2?.. I don't think 1 tap root apps work for me. Trust me I tried.., It would be better if I followed a video or something but I don't know. I want to do this before NoFear finishes the Mario Kart Tour Guide/Mod/Script so I can learn to do that too. Can anyone can help me personally?... Please and Thanks. ^^
  13. Thank you! , I have my Aristo 2 and Windows 10. I'm going to try and start the rooting now. :3
  14. Okay, do you have a link or something?..
  15. What is Chk xda? That's what I use right?.. And I can use twrp , it is available , but I just don't know to use it, lol. Maybe you can help me step by step so I can root my Aristo 2 the right way?..
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