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Posts posted by Jimeous

  1. 8 minutes ago, MonkeySAN said:

    perhaps you can take a look into the script and try to figure it out.

    I was checking out a script by Hackers House which basically goes through a number of tries where you can locate a value even after restarting.

    So I tested it on Grass Resource Quantity, after going through the steps and created a script from it, it did locate the Quantity but there were problems

    The testing was on an Android 7 (32bit), it worked for the Android 5 (32bit) but I had to be at the same point in the game when I restarted

    I'm guessing that Hackers Houses' script takes a "snapshot", so as long as all the values around the Grass QTY remain the same then the script which it creates will work

    I confirmed this when I changed the Grass Resource Storage as it broke the new script, then I changed the Storage back to the original Value and it worked again

    I'm not sure if that helps


  2. 15 minutes ago, MonkeySAN said:

    well..i guess it didnt worked then.

    not in the emulator that is.

    Lols, yep...

    I was going to try it in MEMU but I couldn't stand the amount of Ads it had, then it took forever to just download and install the Android 32bit system and it was in an Asian Language so I just uninstalled the whole thing :P. Plus it had a clunky way of doing Zooming.


    Anway, it looks like the lua script was searching for something but returned no results. The prompt for an Item Id came up before the crash report, was I supposed to do a search first?





  3. 16 minutes ago, MonkeySAN said:

    can you test this script :

    TEST_GroupItems[Unlock+QTY]32bit.lua 1.04 kB · 1 download

    its for 32bit.

    see if it will work or not.

    Script ended:
    Script error: luaj.o: /storage/emulated/0/Download/1280582130_TEST_GroupItemsUnlockQTY32bit.lua:33
    `	{address = t[1].address - 0x8, flags = 4, value = 1},--activation`
    attempt to index ? (a nil value) with key 'address' (field '1')
    level = 1, const = 31, proto = 0, upval = 1, vars = 10, code = 140
    GETTABLE v8 v8 "address"
     ; PC 118 CODE 04428207 OP 7 A 8 B 8 C 266 Bx 4362 sBx -126709
    stack traceback:
    	/storage/emulated/0/Download/1280582130_TEST_GroupItemsUnlockQTY32bit.lua:33 in main chunk
    	[Java]: in ?
    	at luaj.LuaValue.f(src:989)
    	at luaj.LuaValue.c(src:2864)
    	at luaj.LuaValue.i(src:2767)
    	at luaj.LuaValue.w(src:1094)
    	at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:363)
    	at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160)
    	at android.ext.Script.d(src:6056)
    	at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(src:5785)


  4. 3 hours ago, MAARS said:

    You can make that script work on v7 by tweaking the offsets, the method remain the same

    I wouldn't even know where to begin with that 😛

    But I did learn that Nox 64bit Android 9 install of Kingdom Adventurers has a different data structure than their Android 5, 7 and 7 64 bit which are the same.

    Android 5, 7, 7 64bit Resource Search


    Android 9 64bit


    So an extra 2 DWORDs after the 3B9AC9FFh~C4653600h



  5. Kingdom Adventurers V2.42
    Date: Aug 26th 2023

    This may get you banned 😛

    Quick Job Addition

    JobClass Syntax


    Unlock is 0~1 where 0 is Locked and 1 is Unlocked, change to 1 to Unlock

    isNEW is 0~65537 where 0 is Not a New Character and 1 or 65536 or 65537 shows the "NEW" on the character, no changes are needed

    Quantity Syntax


    LifeSpan is -1~99999 where -1 is immortal but doesn't show and any other number shows in the Lifespan

    QTY is the number of characters you want to have, use 0~~0 if you don't know how many you have

    Santa Job Class


    Change the 9 Lifespan to -1

    Change the 0~~0 to the Quantity you want

    F Scholar Job Class


  6. 2 hours ago, MonkeySAN said:

    Use this script :

    TEST_UnlockJob.lua 1 kB · 0 downloads

    - to unlock S Rank Job and get 10 rights for it.

    - script for 64bit(armv8) only.

    use this Job IDs :

    S Rank Job ID :
    9 Merchant
    14 Farmer
    19 Carpenter
    24 Mover
    29 Trader
    34 Researcher
    39 Cook
    44 Artisan
    49 Blacksmith
    54 Doctor
    59 Monk
    64 Rancher
    69 Guard
    74 Knight
    79 Mage
    84 Paladin
    89 Gunner
    94 Archer
    99 Ninja
    104 Samurai
    109 Viking
    114 Pirate
    119 Champion
    124 Wizard

    - IDs are from previous work from other people in this thread.

    i take no credits for it.

    Great Work as always, I only wish I had an Arm64 device 😛


  7. Kingdom Adventurers V2.42
    Updated Resource Search
    Date: Aug 25th 2023
    Tested on Nox Emulator using Adguard to block Ads

    Disclaimer: Use Cheats at your own risk, banning is likely 😛

    Updated Resource Search
    I've rechecked my previous posting and found some errors

    Resource Search Syntax
    Item Codes (ItemCode)
    These are Flags that are used to identify Resources
    1 Grass
    2 Wood
    3 Food
    4 Ore
    5 Mystic Ore
    6 Energy
    Explanation of Resource Syntax
    3B9AC9FFh~C4653600h - Searches a range between -1,000,000,000 to -999,999,999
    0                   - A flag
    ItemCode            - The Number of the Item you are searching for
    QTY                 - The quantity of the Item in your Town Hall
    STORAGE             - The storage of your Town Hall, this will change as you increase the Town Hall Rank
    ::17                - This is an ordered search of 17 bytes

    Starting a New Game


    We can start changing Values right after we have built our Town Hall

    Grass Resource Search

    Grass ItemCode is 1

    Grass QTY is 20

    Grass Storage is 25

    Resource Search Syntax

    Changing the Values to Search for Grass

    Use this as your Search when playing a New Game



    After your Search you can change the QTY and STORAGE to whatever you want, then change the other Resources using their Values

    If you haven't started a new game then your QTY and STORAGE will be different for each Item, start by changing those Values

    Grass Resource Search

    Grass ItemCode is 1

    Grass QTY is the amount of grass in your Town Hall

    Grass Storage is storage of your Town Hall

    Resource Search Syntax

    Replace ItemCode;QTY;STORAGE with the values you have so if you are searching for Wood then change the ItemCode to 2 along with the values for Wood





  8. GameGuardian Copy and Paste using Nox Emulator

    I previously posted a way to do this but it is a bit clunky so I'll update this for people that use Emulators

    Copy the Search you want to put in the Emulator



    Ignore the Blue Notification box as I forgot it was showing lols 😛





  9. Kingdom Adventurers V2.42
    Date: Aug 25th 2023
    Tested on Nox Emulator using Adguard to block Ads

    Disclaimer: Use Cheats at your own risk, banning is likely 😛

    It's raining Items
    Kairo Cookies, 400+ to all stats in Training and +12 for your Eggs

    Kingdom Adventures work in 2 ways, you need to activate an Item for it to appear in your List, from there you can change the quantity
    The Search Syntax is similar to Group Items except the Item Quantities are stored elsewhere.

    First we need to ACTIVATE the Item

    Search Syntax

    3B9AC9FFh~C4653600h - Searches between -1,000,000,000 and -999,999,999, we will take a note of the Value from the Search
    0                   - Flag
    0~1                 - Flag 0 = Inactive 1 = Activated
    0~65536             - Flag 0 = Inactive 65536 = Activated?
    ItemCode            - Flag that points to the Item
    ItemFlag            - Flag that puts items in catergories
    3B9AC9FFh~C4653600h - Flag
    Now to put in the Kairo Cookie Values
    Kairo Cookies       - ItemCode 171
    Kairo Cookies       - ItemFlag 148074



    For my Search, the first flag is -1,812,715,520, I can use this value instead of the first 3B9AC9FFh~C4653600h for future Item Searches as long as I don't quit the game

    As my search is showing 0 I need to change the Activation Code to 1 and the value below it to 65536

    Now it's time to change the Quantity

    Search Syntax


    ItemCode            - Flag that points to the Item
    -1                  - Flag
    ItemCode            - Flag that points to the Item
    0~~0                - Quantity
    Now to put in the Kairo Cookie Values
    Kairo Cookies       - ItemCode 171
    -1                  - -1
    Kairo Cookies       - ItemCode 171
    0                   - Since we just activated the code it will be 0, you can change this to the quantity you have if the item was activated



    I can change the Quantity of Item, some items will reset after you quit the game, like Kairo Cookies, it's up to you whether you put in a low value then freeze it

    This search is pretty straight forward

    Change Quantity
    Item            ItemCode;ItemFlag
    Accessory Sample     168;262762
    Apple                110;197226
    Armor Sample         166;262762
    Banana               111;197226
    Beef Stew            155;149226
    Berry                108;197226
    Bread                140;149226
    Bronze                80;270954
    Cabbage              103;197226
    Cake                 147;149226
    Carrot               101;197226
    Cheese               139;148202
    Clam                 119;197226
    Copper Coin           12;96
    Crab                 125;197226
    Creamy Soup          153;149226
    Curry                159;149226
    Cut of Meat          129;131690
    Donut                144;149226
    Egg                  138;148202
    Enchanted Root        87;328426
    Energy Drink          94;328426
    Farm Produce          71;270954
    Fizzy Juice          137;149226
    Flan                 145;149226
    Fragrant Flower       88;328426
    French Toast         141;149226
    Fresh Beans           98;197226
    Fried Noodles        161;149226
    Fried Potatoes       149;149226
    Fried Rice           162;149226
    Fruit Basket         117;149226
    Garlic               106;197226
    Gold Coin             14;96
    Gold Nugget           81;270954
    Grape Juice          136;149226
    Grapes               114;197226
    Hamburger            143;149226
    Healthy Mushroom      97;197226
    Hearty Soup          154;149226
    Helmet Sample        167;262762
    High Grade Brick      78;270954
    Icecream             146;149226
    Iron Ore              79;270954
    Kairo Cake           148;149226
    Kairo Cookie         171;148074
    Large Nail            76;270954
    Leaf of Life          86;328426
    Mackerel             120;197226
    Mage's Bottle         91;328426
    Magic Bottle          90;328426
    Marbled Beef         131;149226
    Meat on the Bone     128;131690
    Medical Herb          85;270954
    Melon                115;197226
    Milk                 135;148202
    Mixed Fruit Juice    134;149226
    National Flag         73;270954
    Nuts                  72;270954
    Octopus              127;197226
    Onion                102;197226
    Orange               109;197226
    Paella               156;149226
    Pasta                163;149226
    Pear                 112;197226
    Pineapple            116;197226
    Pizza                157;149226
    Potato                99;197226
    Pretty Cloth          84;270954
    Radish               100;197226
    Rice Omelete         160;149226
    Rope                  77;270954
    Sage's Potion         93;328426
    Sage's Tome          169;262762
    Salad                107;149226
    Sashimi Platter      151;149226
    Scroll of Knowledge  170;262762
    Sea Bream            122;197226
    Sea Snail            118;197226
    Sea Urchin           123;197226
    Shield Sample        165;262762
    Shrimp               124;197226
    Silk Cloth            82;270954
    Silver Coin           13;96
    Sliced Bread         142;149226
    Sorceror's Bottle     92;328426
    Spit Roast           130;149226
    Spring Water          74;328298
    Squid                126;197226
    Steak                158;149226
    Strawberry           113;197226
    Strong Cloth          83;270954
    Sturdy Board          75;270954
    Sushi                150;149226
    Sweet Medicine        95;328426
    Sweet Mushroom        96;197226
    Sweetcorn            105;197226
    Tomato               104;197226
    Top Grade Beef       132;149226
    Tuna                 121;197226
    Vegetable Soup       152;149226
    Veggie Juice         133;149226
    Vitality Bottle       89;328426
    Wairo Cookie         172;148074
    Weapon Sample        164;262762


  10. 12 hours ago, Jimeous said:

    I didn't do the Jobs, I might look at it

    I haven't figured out how to change Classes in your party but you can change them when you recruit them

    This codes works fine for most parts, we just need to change the Syntax, so I'll run through it, noting changes

    On 11/16/2021 at 5:31 AM, Random_Oldman said:

    Red = Unlock
    Blue = Amount
    Additional Information:

    Wizard S:

    Champion S:

    Pirate S:

    Viking S:

    Samurai S:

    Ninja S:

    Archer S:

    Gunner S:

    Paladin S:

    Mage S:

    Knight S:

    Guard S:

    Rancher S:

    Monk S:

    Doctor S:

    Blacksmith S:

    Artisan S:

    Cook S:

    Researcher S:

    Trader S:

    Mover S:

    Carpenter S:

    Farmer S:

    Merchant S:


    I'll start with this one from a new account as we'll probably get banned 😛, So I'll play up to the part where we can recruit 3 new Allies


    Farmer S:
    -2000000000~-1000000000;0;0;0;14;100;-2000000000~-1000000000::25 (This activates Farmer S Jobclass)

    I chose Farmer S because the current Syntax works as it is and we need the first flag

    -2000000000~-1000000000; This is a huge negative number which changes every time you start the game. We'll take a note of the value when we've finished searching

    0; This seems to always be 0

    0;0; These numbers are used to activate the Job Class, they are either 0 (inactive) or 1 (activated), I'll change the syntax to 0~1;0~1; if 0 appears we have to change it to 1

    14; This is the JobClass for a Farmer S

    100; Not sure what this number is but it works for this example but it will be changed to 0~~0 meaning it can be any number as it doesn't work for some of the Searches

    -2000000000~-1000000000 The big negative number

    ::25 This basically means do an Ordered Search of 25 bytes




    If you are using a PC and an Emulator

    Copy the Search Syntax














    Syntax for this Search



    Your big negative numbers will be different, take a note of the top value mine is -1,764,680,000

    As this is a new game, we need to activate the 2 values by changing them both to 1, if you're doing this on an older game, then you might already have found a Farmer S so they will already be 1


    We're down with this part, now time to change the Quantity


    67;1;7;5;3;3;1;12;4; are different flags that don't need to be touched

    I just noticed that the Search was being missed due to the ranges that we're searching so I replaced -2000000000~-1000000000 with 3B9AC9FFh~C4653600h

    3B9AC9FFh~C4653600h is a range between -1,000,000,000 and -999,999,999

    0~~0 is the Quantity Part, I'll be changing this to 1 but you can change it to whatever you want, it will be the last entry




    Let's make a Merchant S Class

    Merchant S: (from the Post)



    If you haven't restarted your game then you will remember we copied the -1,764,680,000 number, yours will be different, we can replace the first -2000000000~-1000000000 with this. This narrows down the Entries to search. If you forgot this number just go back and do a Search for Farmer S Class to get it again

    We will change the second -2000000000~-1000000000 to 3B9AC9FFh~C4653600h which has a bigger range to search

    0;0; will change to 0~1;0~1; where 0 is inactive and 1 is activated

    9 is the Merchant S JobClass

    96 will change to 0~~0, just in case it's not there

    Searching for


    Activate the Job Class if needed by changing the 2 zeroes to 1


    After changing the -2000000000~-1000000000 to 3B9AC9FFh~C4653600h we can do a search


    0~~0 is the Quantity Part, I'll be changing this to 1 but you can change it to whatever you want, it will be the last entry


    Hopefully you can follow along and change what needs to be changed.



    Quick Changes

    Wizard S:

    Champion S:

    Pirate S:

    Viking S:

    Samurai S:

    Ninja S:

    Archer S:

    Gunner S:

    Paladin S:

    Mage S:

    Knight S:

    Guard S:

    Rancher S:

    Monk S:

    Doctor S:

    Blacksmith S:

    Artisan S:

    Cook S:

    Researcher S:

    Trader S:

    Mover S:

    Carpenter S:

    Farmer S:

    Merchant S:


    Credit: @Random_Oldman



  11. Kingdom Adventurers V2.42
    Date: Aug 24th 2023

    Tested on Nox Emulator using Adguard to block Ads

    Activating Group Items
    The way that data had been stored had changed from previous versions, I will look at the Group Items.

    Items need to be activated first before we can change the quantities

    Search Syntax

    BigNegative               - 999999999~~999999999, take a note of it after you search
    0~~0                      - Unknown flag
    Activate                  - 0 for Inactive or 1 if Activated or use 0~~0 if you don't know
    0~~0                      - 0 or 65536
    ItemID                    - Item Code
    GroupFlag                 - Group Flag
    -999999999~~999999999     - A huge negative number (Nine 9's in - and +)
    ::25                      - Order Search, 25

    [Miracle Mallet]

    This items is given early in the game but you can activate it as soon as you start a new game, it's also a good one to start with so you can get the BigNegative number which changes everytime you start the game.

    Miracle Mallet ItemID = 51
    GroupFlag             = 352


    Now we just change the numbers for our Search

    Now Search

    My Results, yours will differ in some parts


    Note down the first big negative number, mine was -1,756,474,880 or 974E5200h but yours will differ
    If you need to Activate the Item, you can change it here to 1, then change the field below it to 65536

    The Item should appear in yout Group Items Menu, oh wait you need to get to that point of the game to have the Menu 😛

    Finding the Item Quantity
    This is a long one to type in but we can fill in some numbers, this is the part that has changed the most


    From our previous Search we can fill in some numbers

    BigNegative             - Change this to the number you found mine was -1,756,474,880
    0~~0                    - Mine was 0
    Activate                - Mine was 1
    0~~0                    - Mine was 0
    ItemID                  - Miracle Mallet ItemID = 51
    GroupFlag               - 352
    -999999999~~999999999   - You can use the number you found or just leave it as this
    0~~0                    - There are 24 of these, seperated by a Semi Colon
    0                       - There are 4 of these
    0~~0                    - Change this to the Quantity if you have it or just leave it at 0~~0
    ::141                   - Order Search, 141




    After you've searched, change the quantity at the End

    [Mystic Elixer]
    Now we'll add a Mystic Elixer, so let's activate it.

    BigNegative               -1,756,474,880 (Using this from previous search)
    ItemID                    35 Mystic Elixer
    GroupFlag                 96


    My Search Results


    Activate the Item by changing it to 1 then Change the Value below it to 65536


    Load the Group Items Menu again, you might have to close it first


    Now for the Long Search to change the Quantity



    Change the QTY at the end to 999 or what ever number you want


    Group Item Ids and GroupFlags

    Recovery Energy           26;96;
    Recovery Potion (L)       27;4448; 
    Recovery Potion (S)       28;96;
    Mystic Flute              29;352;
    Small Flute               30;96;
    Holy Herb                 31;4448; 
    Sacred Leaf               32;96;
    Energizing Stew           33;352;
    Energizing Rice Ball      34;96;
    Mystic Elixer             35;96;
    Homeopathic Elixer        36;352;
    Eternal Candle            37;96;
    Awakening Vessel          38;352;
    Royal Gift                39;32864;
    Kairo Flan                40;32864;
    Wairo Flan                41;32864;
    Kairo Creamy Cake         42;32864;
    Wairo Creamy Cake         43;32864;
    HP Orb                    44;32864;
    MP Orb                    45;32864;
    Vigor Orb                 46;32864;
    Power Orb                 47;32864;
    Resilience Orb            48;32864;
    Agility Orb               49;32864; 
    Fortune Orb               50;32864; 
    Miracle Mallet            51;352; 
    Wisdom Orb                52;32864; 
    Dexterity Orb             53;32864; 
    Forage Orb                54;32864; 
    Travel Orb                55;32864; 
    Fondness Orb              56;32864; 
    Running Shoes             57;96; 
    Blessed Raid              58;96; 
    Bounty Bag                59;96; 
    Grass Pouch               60;96; 
    Wood Pouch                61;96; 
    Food Pouch                62;96; 
    Ore Pouch                 63;96; 
    Mystic Ore Pouch          64;96; 
    Skill Up Orb              65;104; 
    Bronze Trophy             66;2152; 
    Silver Trophy             67;2152; 
    Gold Trophy               68;2152; 
    Kairo Grail               69;2152; 
    Crown of Courage          70;2152; 


  12. Kingdom Adventurers V2.42
    Date: Aug 24th 2023

    Tested on Nox Emulator using Adguard to block Ads

    Diamonds can't be changed directly

    Using Game Guardian (GG)
    You should know how to start GG and how to search

    Searching for Basic Materials
    As the previous method was changed, I will update the search for the basic materials

    Item Codes (ITEMCODE)
    These are Flags that are used to identify Materials
    1 Grass
    2 Wood
    3 Food
    4 Ore
    5 Mystic Ore
    6 Energy

    Search Syntax
    This is a grouped Search where each value is seperated by a semi-colon (;)

    Values to Search for
    -9999999~~0           - Look for a large negative number, this changes with every time you start or continue the game
    0            Flag              - Leave as is
    ?            ITEMCODE   - Change to the Item Code you want to search for
    ?            QTY        - Quantity
    ?            STORAGE    - The Capacity of the Storage
    0            Flag       - Leave as is
    0            Flag       - Leave as is
    1            Flag       - Leave as is
    -1           Flag       - Leave as is
    0            Flag       - Leave as is
    7FFFFFFFh    Flag       - This is in HEX so include the "h" at the end
    ::41         Flag       - An Ordered Search (::) that is 41 long

    Let's look for Grass

    At the start of a new game there is
    20 Grass
    25 Grass Capacity

    This flag is possibly the start of the data for an Item
    We know that the first value is a large negative number so we are saying search for any number that isn't between (~~) -9999999 AND 0

    Where there is a Flag we just use what the value is, include the "h" for the HEX value

    Grass has an ITEMCODE of 1

    There is 20 Grass

    We know that the Storage in 25 at the beginning of the game

    This flag seems to be the end of data for the Item

    With this information we can fill in the Search Syntax

    -9999999~~0;0;1       ;20 ;25     ;0;0;1;-1;0;7FFFFFFFh::41


    This should return 1 result where you can change the Quantities and Storage.
    I would freeze the value then wait a few seconds so it can be registered.

    STORAGE Unknown
    If you are way past the beginning which most are then the Storage Capicity shown at the Town Hall might not be the Capacity to search for
    We know that the Town House has at least 25 Storage at the Start and we'll use a huge number to catch everything else
    So I'd do a Search between (~) 25 and 99999 or higher if you've previously changed that value

    If we still had 20 Grass but didn't know the Storage

    -9999999~~0;0;1       ;20;25~99999;0;0;1;-1;0;7FFFFFFFh::41




  13. Starting Again with Main Hero's Stats






    Stat Codes
    22 Heart
    21 Move
    20 Gather
    19 DEX
    18 INT
    17 Unknown Seems to be a Level 1 - 99 but it doesn't appear in our search
    16 LUCK
    15 SPD
    14 DEF
    13 ATK
    12 Vigor
    11 MP
    10 HP


  14. 10 hours ago, zam535582 said:

    Thank you mate.

    of your very details guide.

    im just completed all daily quest for today...in 10 minutes or less.

    much easier to find all the quest now...using ordered search.

    I'm learning new things too from what you post, the Group Items was really helpful because it reminded me of how I used Cheat Engine and how better to use Game Guardian.

    When I first came to this board you were teaching us Group Items and how to look for DWORDs around the value someone was looking for, in that case Job Tickets.

    Since then I'm using a Search with


    7 is the flag for Job Tickets

    96 is the flag for ticket Items

    0~~0 is a number I don't know but we know it's a huge number before the QTY

    QTY is the Job Tickets I have

    0~~0 is a number I don't know but we know it's a huge number after the QTY

    When we subtract those huge numbers we are left with the QTY

    The other flags for tickets are

     8 Equipment Ticket
     9 Facility Ticket
    10 Item Ticket
    11 Friend Ticket

    So as soon as we unlock the Job Tickets, which is when we reach Level 3 Town hall, we are given 3 Job tickets, so we can immediately search


    We are searching for 5 DWORDs, each DWORD has 4 bytes so thats 5 x 4 = 20 bytes

    As we have no Equipment Tickets we can search


    Some other interesting Group Items when they unlock
    66 Bronze Trophy;2152
    67 Silver Trophy;2152
    68 Gold Trophy;2152
    69 Kairo Grail;2152
    70 Crown of Courage;2152

    Search for Flag;2152;0~~0;QTY;0~~0::20

    QTY is the number you have or zero if you have none

    Crown of Courage


    Crown Of Courage unlocks as soon as you open a Chest with it

  15. On 11/5/2019 at 10:56 PM, zam535582 said:

    yup...it is true.

    and depend how many quest with diamond...you can get more in a day.

    just remember to set it within limit.


    You can change the Reward Type as long as the item has been unlocked.

    On 11/5/2019 at 5:01 AM, zam535582 said:

    a moving pictures with subtitles...


    Just some added information


    39 is the Total Number of Materials you need to search for
    25 is the quantity of the Award
    9 is the quantity of the Materials you found, this will be zero if you haven't started the quest
    ; seperates the values you are looking for
    :: is an ordered search meaning that 39 will be first, then 25 then 9
    12 is the range of bytes you want to search

    A DWORD is 4 bytes, so I'm searching for the values in a 3 DWORD Range, or basically one after the other

    These need confirmation, they are a work in progress

    Briefing Room Data Syntax

    DWORD Unknown 0 for mine
    DWORD Unknown 0 for mine
    DWORD Unknown 0

    DWORD Action for Daily Quest (0 in this case for Materials)
    DWORD Unknown 0
    DWORD Unknown 0

    This is the part I was using an ordered search for
    DWORD 39 Total Quantity need to Complete Daily Quest (Points)
    DWORD 25 Quantity of REWARD you will get
    DWORD  9 Current Quantity you have done, change this to Total Quantity to complete Daily task

    DWORD Unknown 1
    DWORD Unknown 4

    DWORD Unknown -negative number
    DWORD Unknown -negative number
    DWORD Unknown 0
    DWORD Unknown -1
    DWORD Unknown 30
    DWORD Unknown 1000

    DWORD Reward Type (0 in this case for Diamonds)
    DWORD Unknown
    DWORD Unknown

    Action for Daily Quest Values
    Although you can change these, it's better to leave them as their own because you can just complete the Daily Task by changing the current quantity.

     0 - Materials
     1 - Copper
     2 - Caves
     3 - Harvest
     4 - Caves
     5 - Collect Sturdy Boards
     6 - Caves
     7 - Invite friends to conquest
     8 - Invite friends to conquest
     9 - Defeat Monsters
    10 - Defeat Monsters
    11 - Defeat Monsters

    And so on

    Reward Type
    You can only get rewards when items are unlocked, so Tickets, Bronze, Silver and Gold has to be unlocked

     0 - Diamonds
     1 - Grass
     2 - Wood
     3 - Food
     4 - Ore
     5 - Mystic Ore
     6 - Energy
     7 - Job Ticket
     8 - Equipment Ticket
     9 - Facility Ticket
    10 - Item Ticket
    11 - Friend Ticket
    12 - Bronze Coins
    13 - Silver Coins
    14 - Gold Coins
    15 - Diamonds (Use 0 instead)

  16. Just a Continuation of the Ticket Test....

    I might freeze the Top Address and the Address below it to see if that has any long term affect, but I'll do that tomorrow unless someone else wants to try it.


  17. 1 hour ago, jeff91ee said:

    This way only makes quantity increase but do not solve protection mechanism. If you use these tickets, you will find very serious problem. All you can get are lowest class units or items.

    I just figured how to do it but with a New Game

    You will need at least 3 Tickets

    Search for 3

    - Use a Ticket

    Refine for 2

    - Use a Ticket

    Refine for 1

    You might have a few Entries for 1 left

    GOTO those addresses with 1 then freeze the Address above it.

    The more Tickets you start with the better

    There's a Job Ticket in the chest with the Trophy Room which is north of your starting position, making it 4 which is a better number to start searching with.

    Just a note, this value will change if you exit the screen








  18. 1 minute ago, jeff91ee said:

    This way only makes quantity increase but do not solve protection mechanism. If you use these tickets, you will find very serious problem. All you can get are lowest class units or items.

    Yep that's the main problem with tickets as there isn't any sure fire method so you may as well use a MOD APK which also is broken

  19. Stats Ordered Searching
    The quickest method to start your Stat's Ordered Search is by looking for the values for Vigor, MP and HP

    But before you do that, you will need to deduct any bonuses from Equipment to get to the value we want to search for
    - Click List Icon
    - Click on a Character
    - Click on Equipment

    At the bottom of the screen you will see how much bonuses your equipment gives to different stats

    Vigor, MP and HP Ordered Search
    * Remember to deduct any Equipment bonuses

    Search using
    Current Vigor;Maximum Vigor*;Current MP;Maximum MP*;Current HP;Maximum HP*::

    Just as we had Flags for Resources, we also have them for these Stats, so use them as a guide when making Changes
    12D Vigor
    11D MP
    10D HP

    GOTO Vigor
    By now you should know how to use GOTO so let's start at Vigor, then scroll up

    This time we are looking for the other Stats, the Flags for those come in handy so look for them as the value after them will be the one you want to change
    22D Heart
    21D Move
    20D Gather
    19D DEX
    18D INT
    17D Unknown Seems to be a Level 1 - 99
    16D LUCK
    15D SPD
    14D DEF
    13D ATK

    By scrolling upwards you will first find the ATK value, then DEF, SPD and so on

    We could do an Ordered Search for the other 9 stats but if they all had bonuses it would just be a pain 😛
    So just go through and change what you need to.

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