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Everything posted by EzioAuditore
Playstore Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.SuperAwesome.Sindorim&hl=en&gl=US&referrer=utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_term%3Dseoul+apocalypse&pcampaignid=APPU_1_rS9jY5GXBYDe4-EPzemLYA Hack: Gems / Coins / Resources / Stage Drops / Summon / AFK rewards Tried to hack it but every time i change something (hero lvls / coins / gems / ugprade resource) i get connection error and values return back to normal. Tried doing it indrectly as well by making upgrade cost negative but also getting net error. Any possible workaround? Also i know there were damage mods before but dunno how to modify it since game desyncs / net error if i change a hero lvl and go to battle. And if i just search for the attack value then upgrade hero and refine (i get 0 hits).
Additional Info: Seems like you can only the effect the event points by changing your own points. What i mean by this is, let's say you already have 632/2000 Bombardment Hits but you yourself hasn't contributed to this yet. So if you wanna increase bombardment hits, you need to search Float 0, then use bombardment let's say you hit 2, then refine to Float 2, then hit once again (say 2 more), then refine to Float 4. Then you'll get one value at Float 4 then swap this to 2000 to get 2000/2000 Bombardment hits. Freeze and Save progress. You can do this with others also. (You can only search for the amount you contributed rather than the current progress in event.
Lol you can even modify the event pts? and make it save by freezing the value then saving progress. By the time i relog i manage to increased the event points lol. Just search in current computer chip value then just pick 1 pc then refine then make both to 3000 (since you need 3000 chips) then freeze that value then save progress and restart game.
hmm i guess you can also just search = 3.0F;2D;-1D;2D;14.0F::17 since that's the pattern for bombardment haha. I set up the 14 to 999999 lol so i can bombard the whole map to finish the event (just for the sake of finishing it). But too lazy to do the computer chip pickup even if i can wipe out scrapyard dz in seconds lol Anyway is it possible to modify the running speed of character? Also i remember before whenever i was tweaking some things (forgot what i was searching in Dword) but i manage to somehow edit and make the game zoom out (tho it fixes itself whenever i change zones). I think I also tried freezing the value but game crashed iirc.
thanks, also manage to fine bombardment by just scrolling down and looking at the 3F and 14F near each other
Anyways anyone know how to edit the amount of uses of Gadgets? Also i guess the invisibility duration? I remember reading about this before but forget where i saw it.
Hmm anyways tried it out and here's what if found i guess. Search in Dword: <Booster Code>;7;0;0;0;0 Check Ordered, then Filter out >7 so you just see the booster code values. Then just look at the pattern Ex: Energy Resist Epic (15%) 1. Search 1007;7;0;0;0;0 ordered 2. Look at each 1007 value and go to address and check for the pattern of data. Pattern: 1007 (D-word Value of Booster Code) D-Word value ; Float Value = .15xxxxxxxx 7 0 0 0 0 3. Change Float Value 0.15 to 1 to have 100% energy resist. Notes: MS reduce code of corrupted brawler dodge is 1001 aswell Dmg reduce code of corrupted power gen is 2000 Bot & Botpack Dmg have similar code Basically Dmg-related boosters are coded as 2000, same goes for other categories I didn't manage to find the code for range part since i stopped early and was lazy to sort thru. Booster Codes: HP = 1000 MS = 1001 Dodge = 1003 Phys Res = 1006 Energy Res = 1007 Stun Res = 1008 Dmg= 2000 Ult CD = 2001 Stun = 2003 Area = 2004 Ult Charge = 2005 Crit = 2006 Lifesteal = 2015 Power Start = 4000 Power Gen = 4001 Power Recycle = 4002 Also another way you can search i guess is 7;0;0;0;0 ordered then just filter it out till you find the pattern of values. You can just filter the address values if you already know some of the addresses of the boosters. Anyways when i done that here's the Order of Boosters Code Values i found. Rarity: 1 = Normal | 2 = Special | 3 = Rare | 4 = Epic Crit (2) Ult CD (1) Bot Stun (1) Phys Res (1) MS (1) Power Start (1) HP (1) Bot Dmg (1) Botpack Area (4) Phys Res (4) MS (4) Power Start (4) Power Recycle (4) Energy Resist (4) C.Power Gen - Dmg Part (4) C.Power Gen - Gen Part (4) Power Gen (4) Dodge (4) C.Brawler Dodge - MS Part (4) HP (4) Bot Dmg (4) Crit (4) Ult CD (3) Stun Res (3) Bot Stun (3) Botpack Stun (3) Botpack Effect Area (3) Power Start (3) Dodge (3) HP (3) Bot Dmg (3) <Dunno what booster is this> Ult Charge (2) Botpack Dmg (2) LifeSteal (2) Power Recycle (2) I stopped looking at the code after power recycle special haha.
anyone found out xor key for the stats yet? or how to edit stats? since just searching using dword / float doesn't work even with increment changes, even using the xor key 39021 (which prolly is only for inventory items lol). just curious since platinmods manage to make a damage multiplier + godmode (all dmg are blocked just like using shield skill on them) menu in their 1.3.1 mod (their 1.4 mod is just temporary money/gems atm). so wondering how to replicate it using GG. Just wanted to fast farm bullseye AI levels lol, but i guess ill just farm normally, just gonna take some time since enemies now are lvl30+ haha
intel as in energy used in missions, nah i just modify the levels thru GG. Do you join late in brackets? because if i join at the start i get grouped together with the other cheaters lol. And i think at some point brackets close so i assume you wait a bit before joining events to get a solo hacker bracket? Or is there a way to get solo 50-50 bracket? Because for me atm i just lower my level to 44 just so that i get solo bracket (since i only need DNA, since rare mats value can be changed anyway even if you have 1pc), since when i joined last time in 50-50 bracket i was together with 30 cheaters lol. I join at the start of the event.
hmm does anyone know how to change the values of the amount of DNA drop in missions? I can't narrow it down lol, since the value is 3 and it freezes the game if i change it. Also I tried manipulating drop rates, like trying to make 99.99% chance on +25 hero frag for bayek. I changed it but it's just the visuals lol since it's server sided i guess haha. So far so good, the only things impossible to manipulate is Intel (directly, but there's a roundabout way to get unli intel hehe), Database Credits (DBC), Helix and Featured Hero Cube fragments.