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Everything posted by Kozmoz

  1. SIMCITY buildit hacking war cards after level7? (#bmgqlqyc) All hackers cheat only by playing 0pb (android / data / simcity / files / 0.pb) content that includes game data (including account cloning and card level maximum level 15).
  2. All hackers cheat only by playing 0pb (android / data / simcity / files / 0.pb) content that includes game data (including account cloning and card level maximum level 15).
  3. i can prove;)do you want to see?
  4. yes you know everything but you are selfish!!!I'il expose you and your team United war dogs Manas these are your team;) I will report your discord account....
  5. Kozmoz

    LUA scripting

    hello simcity can I prepare a war scenario?
  6. Kozmoz

    LUA scripting

    Hello dear by enyby Can Simcity benefit me in club battles?
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