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  1. Sir, I added gg into virtual exposed after that while playing games gg hide automatically in between 5-10 minutes Again I opened gg its shows crash message Then I I changed prevent load function no to level 3 , Again I run script its gg close automatically, again I changed preventload level 3 to No it's working but gg hides again, Tell me sir why gg hide automatically ?
  2. Can we use it in all online games?
  3. It's really helpful thank you sir One more help sir ,can you tell me why you ban my account ? Last week it was banned. I did anything wrong?
  4. It's need root permission if it's not you can't completely access GG . BETTER root your mobile bro.
  5. Finally i get something sir thanks
  6. Ok sir check this out its correct ? I execute many times in gg but not working
  7. Okay sir Correct value is a second search number?
  8. Sir one more help i found 1st search number example: its 13.65336975475 and 12.97653246787 Then i search it ,i get 19 results After Gg helps to i found only one correct value ((example :13.65336975475 )and i edit to (50) , next i click it go to address ,it asked 2 values so i find one more value total 2 values i copied ( in go to address) .Now my doubt is Second search no ??() Get results i think its (19) Edit all 50 Clear results ??() Pls tell me sir
  9. Okay sir thank u i try
  10. Still same sir may i sent video can you tell me what is the problem?
  11. Sir That is data in the Ram ? Or tell me where to find it sir?
  12. Once I start search values gg starts automatically exit , i changed load level 3 also, but still same anyone pls help me
  13. Very thankz sir It's done ,I'm happy for that you're in gg
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