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Everything posted by RizPrasety

  1. may I know how to get the lib base? did u use this one?
  2. You can implementing on/off (toggle) menu to do that
  3. Didn't get about what? How does it work or what? If the value is freeze but still can decreased or increased it's because the game you trying to hack doenst store the data in local storage. That's the most possible things that I can think
  4. Idk what are you trying to do but here is the result
  5. p[i].freeze = true p[i].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL You can find about freezeType here
  6. ask = gg.prompt({"Input Value"},nil,{"number"}) ask = ask[1] + 444444 gg.searchNumber(ask, gg.TYPE_FOLAT) Try this
  7. I'm not sure who's the evil here, dev or us. But its oke and honestly this bash script just delete folder include all files inside that located on: /data/data/com.activision.callofduty.shooter/files/tss_tmp and make new one with same name and ofc it's empty now
  8. If spreads then why? Sharing is carrying
  9. Need update @Kruvcraft
    Need update @Kruvcraft
    Doesn't work with arm64. Nice script btw
  10. https://gameguardian.net/help/classgg.html#afe6c5b86ba0ae295899fd259232aac2b
  11. Some of them? Nah, it works fine with armeabiv7. Except arm64. Like no clip, impostore and so on doesnt work at all
  12. Only work with arm64
    How to change single choice to multichoice sir? Especially for submenu
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