Ah, thats great! Then i could leave myself at level 25 as start off point, and use it as my main playing city while still having all buildings to make a nice design.
Yes, i can imagine its not sorted by categorie, since different buildings of different categories are released in the same package at the same time and they will have following idnumbers, i guess.
I will have a closer look at that method, i have seen it before and thought it might be a way to go. But he did it for warcards or something if i remember correctly? Will have a look later, as a mummy of a toddler and a baby i didnt have the time or the concentration yet ?
By the way, i used my old city (the one in level 61, that i stopped playing a long time ago (if was not efficient, i didnt know yet levelling up quickly was a bad idea)) to try some first cheats.. i gave myself 170.000 simcash (after calculating what i would need to spend for storage etc) and spend them all, doing everything offline. Bought rest of storage items (from 435 to the 600), land of the first 2 regions, the 6 maxis manors (4 + 1 per region it seems?) and spend the rest on buildings that cost simcash and getting items ready instantly in factories and shops. Didnt go online until i actually had 2 simcash less than what i started with. And I am still on the 'good side'.... ?
I am guessing that with this trick of making all buildings available you will not get send to the naughty side either? I understand you are careful with your main city, but once you get the trick going you could use it there too. Seems like EA wouldnt have that much issue with it, since it doesnt harm the results of others competing against you.
To get to the list of all buildings available, do you use the instructions given earlier in this thread, about the 700+ buildings (a while back so now more) and the 4 numbers to which all buildings belong?
Is your name Dr Nookie on youtube as well?
Thanks so much! I am very grateful to hear from you! I was afraid i wouldnt hear back for a while since this thread has been quite dead for some time ?