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  1. Sysadmin's post in Site bugs was marked as the answer   
    I never changed attachment size. There was just max amount of ALL attachments per user. So you were running out of space, because you had attached quite a bit. So no, nothing was changed, most users just don't attach anything.
    The site software itself has had numerous updates behind the scenes. That specific theme is a third party theme, so it needs to be updated. I hadn't done so, due to lack of user interest in that theme.
    Now, the Emoticons are fixed. At some point IPS added HD emoticons, which I suppose never properly updated on our system. What you were seeing was the HD emoticons missing. Regular ones were still there.
    Also, I merged your 4 previous posts. Please do not start a new post for each sentence you have to add.
  2. Sysadmin's post in SimCity BuildIt was marked as the answer   
  3. Sysadmin's post in Request if unlimited mithril can be obtained with game guardian was marked as the answer   
    In that case, you'll need to start a request thread, not a help thread
  4. Sysadmin's post in GG won't attach to process, always attached to Nova Launcher was marked as the answer   
    This is solved by downloading the latest version of GameGuardian.
  5. Sysadmin's post in Modern Conflict 2 was marked as the answer   
    It's in VIP+
  6. Sysadmin's post in Request Ninja Saga EXP Hack was marked as the answer   
  7. Sysadmin's post in Punch Quest v1.1 was marked as the answer   
    This cheat has been released into the Early release system: http://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/2889-punch-quest-cheats/
  8. Sysadmin's post in download unsucccessful... was marked as the answer   
    I replied to your other post, but if you are not trying this, We can't help:
    Additionally, are you getting an error code, or is it not downloading within your browser (if so, what browser are you using?.
  9. Sysadmin's post in REQ: WWE Presents: Rockpocalypse was marked as the answer   
  10. Sysadmin's post in heroes fo destiny was marked as the answer   
  11. Sysadmin's post in Candy crush Saga was marked as the answer   
    Cheat released: 
  12. Sysadmin's post in Dragon Quest was marked as the answer   
    Server sided.
  13. Sysadmin's post in Beach Buggy Blitz cheats was marked as the answer   
    Guide (early release):



  14. Sysadmin's post in Plague Inc was marked as the answer   
    I modded it, then realised someone else already had..., oh well, here it is: http://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/202-plague-inc-in-app-billing-cracked/

  15. Sysadmin's post in [REQ] Monster Galaxy Exile was marked as the answer   

  16. Sysadmin's post in Wild Blood gold hack was marked as the answer   
  17. Sysadmin's post in Juggernaut Revenge of Sovering was marked as the answer   

    I have cheated this game. I will add a gamesave later, and multiple video tutorials for it. The guide is in the VIP+ Section.
  18. Sysadmin's post in Rayman Jungle was marked as the answer   
    I didn't see lives or gold? Anyway, cheated Lums, will post the Vid, gamesave, and cheat.
  19. Sysadmin's post in Total War Battles: Shogun was marked as the answer   
    Cheated. Gamesave added to VIP+, and guide to follow will be there too.

  20. Sysadmin's post in Dead Trigger 1.1 was marked as the answer   
    Confirmed working on 1.1

  21. Sysadmin's post in Fashion Icon was marked as the answer   

    In VIP+

    Sent from my MB855
  22. Sysadmin's post in Invest point of Virtual City Playground was marked as the answer   

    Cheat(for those who want it):

  23. Sysadmin's post in Tiny Farm was marked as the answer   
  24. Sysadmin's post in Help Me To Hack Destinia was marked as the answer   
  25. Sysadmin's post in Babel Rising 3D was marked as the answer   
    Successfully cheated:
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