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Castle Clash Mod on Rooted Bluestacks EASY WAY


You may need to pause, please follow the steps carefully!

This guide will help new blue stacks rooters to counter act the "Google Play" account switch issue. However this shows it clearly isn't a Google problem... I am already logged into a modded APK on Blue Stacks at the beginning and I am walking you through rather quickly the steps to fix the account switch issue on a modded apk running brazillian? lmao proxy XD downloaded every language of the app and am ready for some fun!

To be able to run a modded apk of cc on blue stacks you need root, it only takes a minute:


download Falcon's auto rooter, its the only one i found that works

You will also need jrummy root explorer....

"That time you used up all your dungeon chances and killed guild boss but you suddenly realize you are stuck on that modded account!"


Run any language version of castle clash

Switch to google account you want mod to work on and exit app

Run modded Castle Clash apk then exit once you see still on old account

Run JRummy root browser

Press home then data / data

Then com.igg.castleclash_(what language)

Go to files and copy user data

Take JRummy to com.igg.castleclash paste user data in files folder

Run mod then click on account

Get disconnected then reconnect on desired account.

Rinse and Repeat...


No more switching issues, plus you get free account in that language to collect maintenance gems.

Do not use this mod in pvp if you have it. Nameless is better! Lets keep this update going a while before patch, pl0x.

Easter Egg working mod in the middle and end :D

Have fun, Crashers!




© Anon Artista

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