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  1. Today
  2. Anyone help me cheat score this game please: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.stacity.wood.block.blockscapes&gl=US I can not find address of score value on GG.
  3. I have recently started playing this game but it is hard for me and that is why I am looking for some cheats online and I am glad I found your post. I want to try it but before that, I want to know that is it still working. Does anyone over here has tried it? Edit: Or did you make any video where I can watch how to apply this? It is my first time and that is why I don't know. Please help me.
  4. Updated, ignore warning
  5. NoFear

    Values on a PC Emulator

    Edit values as soon as possible on emulator. Once the arm opcode is translated by emulator, it's too late.
  6. Yesterday
  7. MrSx

    Values on a PC Emulator

    I'm tring to hack lib on a PC Emulator, but its not working, i cant understand why, when i try it on the phone it is working but on Emulator not any solutions?
  8. MrSx

    What VM should i use?

    I think VMOS is best
  9. It can be about game libraries. But, I have same issue. Try to find speedhack in Xa, A or Cd region.
  10. Does anyone know how to edit the Hogwarts mystery carnival tickets? It keeps giving me a memory error
  11. Tarun95

    Unable to get dump.cs

    I am still facing issue the dump.cs does not have offset in method. Rva and va is not same
  12. anyone has any idea how to hack this game any form will do thanks appreciate it
  13. Anonymous is the memory range to search in.
  14. Use virtual master available on playstore
  15. Just use hide my apps Lsposed + module xposed hide my apps
  16. If no rooted use virtuall app support gameguardian
  17. I have tried the same (Dword search and refining until one value), just that I was unable to edit the value. What does edit in anonymous range mean?
  18. This is an awesome script and I have had fun playing around with it. In the future do you plan on adding support for strings for the parameters?
  19. Last week
  20. Do you happen to know to know how to get Game Guardian running with Shizuku? I have tried using rish as the su command in order to give Game Guardian access to dameon though with no success.
  21. [ @notzagred ] --- It means that: the table "STM0" is empty or to put it in another words: there are no results. --- You need to provide the entire script, I can't see where "STM0" is located. Or you can simply fix it yourself by putting this: if STM0 ~= nil then STM0[1].value = math.random(175, 177) STM0[2].value = math.random(1, 5) STM0[3].value = math.random(-5, 5) gg.setValues(STM0) end ---
  22. Hi, I'm trying to use Game Guardian to cheat in the game Pocket Mortys on Android. This game is VERY similar to pokemon, it's semi open-world, you catch mortys, each morty has an IV which represents how good it is after you catch it, there's tickets that you can buy for money. I was able to generate a dump of the APK using IL2CppDumper and APKTool. I saw some functions that seem interesting to change. For example, I want to change the IVs of a wild morty, they normally range from 0-16, so I found this function. // RVA: 0x185DB50 Offset: 0x185DB50 VA: 0x185DB50 public void GenerateIVs(int min = 0, int max = 16) { } going to the offset of that function I found MOV W20, W2 //these two variables should be min/ max right? MOV W21, W1 //So I changed them to MOV W21, W2 MOV W21, W1 //logically I'm generating a morty with either all min stats or all max. But the game keeps crashing, or become VERY slow. I think they have a checksum somewhere, is that something I can fix? There's multiple other functions that I saw and seemed like they were interesting to play around with, but I think a good starting point is being able to catch a wild morty with 16(maxed) IVs. Is this doable, if so what am I missing or what should I be doing? In case this is not really doable, how would I go by displaying all available wild mortys and their IVs like a cheat table? I know how multiplayer games are mostly based on the fact "never trust the client" but is it really possible that every single thing in the game is server-sided? Oh and I've tried packet sniffing to see what kind of packets are being sent when a premium item is purchased with in-game currency and didn't really find much.
  23. Tarun95

    Unable to get dump.cs

    Hi brother thankyou. I was expecting dumpcs from 2nd data directory but it was In 1st data directory (which I didn't knew about) Here is solution if anybody wondering
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