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  3. Tarun95

    Unable to get dump.cs

    Hi brother thankyou. I was expecting dumpcs from 2nd data directory but it was In 1st data directory (which I didn't knew about) Here is solution if anybody wondering
  4. Tarun95

    Unable to get dump.cs

    I tried zygisk libdumper by prefare but I am not getting any dump.cs. Is there anything I am making mistakes at?(my magisk is hidden)
  5. [ @vgplayer54 ] --- I forgot, the apk requires: LSPosed modules. ---
  6. Be clear! GameGuardian does support using Shizuku on non-rooted devices. Shizuku is a helper application that allows GameGuardian to access the game data on Android devices without requiring root access.
  7. Just set the range into anonymous only
  8. Please update to latest version, because the script doesn't work in version 1.24.1
  9. Anyone figured out how to get around the max limit on the red and green keys???
  10. function D() gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber("", gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.refineNumber("", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) gg.startFuzzy(gg.TYPE_FLOAT, gg.getResults(1)[1].address - 100, gg.getResults(1)[1].address - 92) gg.clearResults() function doAction() if gg.alert([[ PRESS THE CORRECT SIDE OF TO MAKE A GOAL If you are in 0 to 45 min of the match press - If you are in 45 to 90 minutes of the game press +]], "GOOOLLL +", "GOOOLLL -", "BACK") == 1 then STM0[1].value = math.random(175, 177) STM0[2].value = math.random(1, 5) STM0[3].value = math.random(-5, 5) gg.setValues(STM0) end if gg.alert([[ PRESS THE CORRECT SIDE OF TO MAKE A GOAL If you are in 0 to 45 min of the match press - If you are in 45 to 90 minutes of the game press +]], "GOOOLLL +", "GOOOLLL -", "BACK") == 2 then STM0[1].value = math.random(-177, -175) STM0[2].value = math.random(1, 5) STM0[3].value = math.random(-5, 5) gg.setValues(STM0) end if gg.alert([[ PRESS THE CORRECT SIDE OF TO MAKE A GOAL If you are in 0 to 45 min of the match press - If you are in 45 to 90 minutes of the game press +]], "GOOOLLL +", "GOOOLLL -", "BACK") == 3 then gg.clearResults() dosf() end end gg.setVisible(false) while true do if gg.isVisible() then gg.setVisible(false) doAction() end end end im always getting this error Script error: luaj.o: /storage/emulated/0/SCRIPT/Simple Multi menu.lua:41 STM0[1].value = math.random(175, 177) attempt to index? (a nil value) with key '1' (global 'STM0') level = 1, const = 24, proto = 0, upval = 1, vars = 5, code = 93 GETTABLE vo vo 1 can you guys help me please
  11. Yesterday
  12. anikkisachter

    Deamon error

    i didnt root but it says i must but on the web page says i dont must to root
  13. NotARobot

    The Battle Cats

    ive been struggling on doing this because all the info on like youtube or that i could fined is either really convoluted or doesn't work anymore so i would like a step by step guide to do this. i know you can because i did it before a while ago before some updates but idk if your still able to do so nowadays. the unit i want to unlock is unit 380 or d'arktanyan so if you could help it would be greatly appreciated
  14. Has any one been able to change the coins, diamonds and stones in the game without getting auto ban from tournament yet? If so, can you share your methods? I am using guardian on nox and i am having a hard time changing anything on coins and stones. I was able to change diamonds in increments of 2000.
  15. This is another one of those knock off hybrid animal games and I cant seem to hack it. I was able to change the value but just changed back right away and if you freeze it, it just changes, but not visibally. I would appreciate it if someone could write a script or just show me how to hack it. Thanks, Rmc123
    I thought there something wrong on my GG settings, but I found out this is only Trial. and it says "Script Ended" Anyway thankyou for sharing this
  16. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cookapps.taileddemonslayer Is there anyway if hacking this game anymore in 2024? Becuase now i just get kicked everytime i try and hack it, idk if theres any new ways or not. But if there is i would kindly wanna know how. Android 14
  17. Thankyou for this , just want to ask for instruction, do I need to change the settings of my GG? .
  18. Tarun95

    Unable to get dump.cs

    I Been trying to get dump.cs but the problem is I metadata data shown is invalid. I tried to get meta data from magical byes AF B1 B1 AF but still it shows invalid. My main purpose is to get class names and offset,is there any alternative method for this or is it impossible? I am trying to get dump.cs of 2 games 1) Utopia:origin 2)Dawnlands (split apk)
  19. Thank you so much for this response. Just a quick question - it looks like the "HMA:Hide my Applist" and the "Bootloader Spoofer" are not modules...just apk files. Do I just install them as normal side-loaded applications? They don't appear to be installable via the Magisk Module list. Please let me know, so I know I'm not missing anything. Thank you
  20. It seems like X8 or X4 not work anymore can anyone tell me how to mod this game now?
  21. [ @vgplayer54 ] --- Sure. You need to use: Magisk then install several module: - HMA: Hide My Applist - PlayIntegrityFix: SafetyNetFix continuation - SafetyNetFix - Bootloader Spoofer - Shamiko ---
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