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  1. Hey all, here's a better solution: http://androidcheats.org/forum/index.php/topic/7355-req-final-fantasy-dimensions/page-13 Posted here is a very good save editor (I helped out!) that should satisfy most, if not all, of your save editing needs.
  2. Ladies and Gentlemen of GameGuardian, I'm not sure if you're aware, but it IS possible to hack this game! Sadly, we can't alter the game while it is active, but we CAN edit the save file! I use Hex Editor, but if there is a hex reader/editor app that you prefer, it should work the same. Attached is a list of all the items in Final Fantasy Dimensions, as far as I could find. There ARE some missing, but that's most likely due to them being on an ID that's much further than I wanted to take time to find. These items are listed, so if you find them in-game, let me know, please! Without further ado, HOW to hack: Now, I take no credit for this info, just the list. All my infos came from Android Cheats. Newho... 1. Locate your file. It should be /data/data/com.square_enix.android_googleplay.ffl_gb/files. That's where mine is. The save.bin is the file in question. 2. Locate info you wish to modify. This is pretty easy if you use the first save slot. Your money should be really close to the top of the file, your inventory under that, then character stats under the inventory (the character names are spelled out if you're using Hex Editor, so even easier!!!) I find Sol's info at line 17d6. 3. Change what you want! Before you go gung-ho changing stuff, you should know that there's a checksum on the save. For those who don't know what that is, here's the simple explanation: In order to take, you must give. In order to give, you must take (Equivalent Exchange, eh? EH?! Maybe I'm just watching FMA too much recently...). Each byte is added up (in portions, I believe) to check the whole size of the file. If it's not the same as when the game last saved, it won't load. Trust me. There are two ways to get around that: shifting numbers and the give-and-take. Shifting: Lets use gil for an example. You start the game with 300 gil. So, at the top, you'll find "00 00 01 2c". Quite simply, you rearrange those numbers. So, "2C 01 00 00". That's usually sufficient for gil, but it can be applied elsewhere. Give-and-Take: Let's move to character stats. (For me,) Three lines under Sol's name you'll find his EXP, current Health, and current MP (actual stats are directly tied to level and class, so those don't even get recorded in the save file). At the beginning of the game, that's 97, 71, and 21, respectively. So, in the save file, you'll see 00 61 00 47 00 15. If you want to raise his EXP by 10 in hex, you'd change, say, HP to 37 and then you can raise EXP to 71. The easiest way to tell which numbers are which are by having a hex calculator handy and recording things before you close the game. EXP, HP, MP, AP, Job Levels, JP, all can easily be changed by taking from another (HP works best because you can easily heal that back in the game). Items I don't fully understand the inventory yet, so don't touch that. You can find the items themselves easily enough with the IDs I've provided, but the quantities are the problem. They're in a certain order, so unless you know what's what, it'll ***** you up. And just changing one item to another will break the item; you'll have 0 of the new item, so it'll be gone once you use it, and the old item won't be able to be used again, even if you get more of it. So, we go to character equipment! For Sol, shortly after the HP and MP, you'll see "00 14 00 00 00 00 01 3b 00 00". This, my friends, is where item babies are born. I MEAN, you can alter his equips! Yeah! every two bytes is an item. Respectively, you've got R. Hand, L. Hand, Head, Body, Accessory. The same laws still apply, so your best bet is to take from HP. So, say you want to change his current Short Sword (14) to a Greatsword (1a). The difference in hex is 6, so HP becomes 41 while R. Hand becomes 1a! Load game and... BAM! In this manner, you can do a force dual equip, even of items that are two handed (DUAL WIELDIN BOWS LIKE AH GOTS 4 ARMS!?), equip regular items then un-equip them to have them in your inventory (Secret Memory, I'm lookin at you... Can someone confirm if this works, actually? It's a memory that gives 30 to a Memorist stat!), and even, say, equip an accessory on your head (which I just checked. Hermes' Sandals and Miracle Shoes! HUZZAH!). Each character's layout is relatively the same model. You can even edit the temp characters, but I haven't so I can't say what will happen when you do. Since I've been using a brand new file to figure out all this (my legit file is on an unrootable device....), I haven't actually worked on any of the job-related stats, such as abilities, JP, AP, and Job Level, but it should be rather easy; someone else has modded AP, and the Job Levels are in a nice little row in the memory, which I DO plan on figuring out once I've got the jobs. I'll update this post once I've got that. Lastly, a few notes about the file. Again, there are a scant few items and equips that I haven't ID'd. If you find one, let me know. I'll update the file ASAP to reflect new info. Any colored items/equips simply denotes that it's an item out of numerical order in the memory. More for my knowledge than anything else, but it may help guide those who explore the memory. The list is currently: Weapons, Armor, Accessories, Items. I plan on adding Abilities once I know all the IDs. I'll also explain how to mod those then. If I can, I'll figure out Fusion Abilities, but I suspect that will be just a smidgen harder than I anticipate, so that will probably come last. I apologize for the length of the post, but I simply suck at "as little words as possible". Didn't do too well in that class... If someone wants to take the meat of this post and condense it, I won't be mad. Just, ya know, give credit where it's due, yeah? Oh, one final thing: if you mod your file and can't seem to fix what went wrong, remember the Resume function in the game: just Resume your game and re-Save. It's a pretty neat fail-safe, actually. Just be careful where you can, k? Happy Haxxing! -Arikaido FFD Item IDs.pdf
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