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Monsterpark, unlimited gold and crystals.


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Name of Game:Monster Park

Game Version if known:all versions work

Name of Cheat: Gold, Crystals, SIlver and Love Potions

Name of Adress (if any): https://play.google....monsterpark&hl=

Manual Steps:

You need 2 apps and a rooted device. The first can be any file explorer that can be given root permissions. I use ES file explorer. The second is SQLite Editor, and it's $2.99. There are file editors similair to SQ that are free, but I tried one and it wasn't the same. It wasn't as easy to use and didn't read all fields correctly.

With ES explorer from the root menu go to: data>data>com.kiwi.monsterpark>databases. Now copy the file "monsterpark1.db" to your SD card. Also copy a backup of this database and put it in a folder on your SD card.

Now Exit ES, and open SQ. Once it's finished loading its data, hit you options key and select browse sd card. Now find the monsterpark1.db and open.

Once you open monsterpark1.db you can view and alter the various folders. Just be careful and make one change at a time, because some changes will make the game crash.

My favorite change is under "asset_state_rewards." You must change "resource_id" from "xp" to gold, silver or crystals and change the "quantity" too whatever you like, like 1000000. If you now buy a daisypot under decorations and click on the smily you will get the gold, crystals or silver (what you have changed in "resource_id") :D bam about 1mio gold or silver or crystals with one push :)

Once you're done with changes, exit out of SQ and reopen ES. Find the database you just altered on your SD card and copy it to the original location:data>data>com.kiwi.monsterpark>databases. It will warn you that it's replacing a file, so just hit OK(this is why we make a backup at the beginning.)

Now just exit out of ES and check to see if the changes took.


Want to get Special Edition Monsters, Rooms or Decoration that allready ended?? No Problem

First off make a backup copy of your current monstercastle1.db and put it somewhere safe. You will be changing the end dates for the limited editions, and your gonna need this in order to change them back easily.

To be able to buy the limited editions(rooms and monsters):

Enter monstercastle1.db as described above with sq editor. Open the folder "assets". Then scroll to the right and find the column "end time" and edit the date in the field, like [sat, 30 Jun 2012 00:00:00 -0500] to [sat, 30 Jun 2015 00:00:00 -0500].

Exit SQ and enter your file explorer to copy and paste the monstercastle1.db to data>data>com.kiwi.monsterpark>databases.

Now when you open the game you should be able to purchase what you changed.

To be able to breed old limited editions the process is similar to above.

Enter the folder "asset properties" and scroll to bottom and find monsters you want.

Scroll to the right of the monster names to the third column and find the row named breeding end time. Delete the date to the left, in the second column for the monsters you want to breed.

You can change many aspects of the game in this folder, like the silver capacity and monster capacity of various rooms. For instance you can make a Sports village hold 4 or 8 instead of 1. Do these changes later, after your done breeding and change the dates back.

It's important to change the breeding end dates back after your done otherwise you will continue breeding them and decrease your chances of future limited editions. To change back simply copy your backup of monstercastle1.db and paste it in the database. Nothing in your park will change back(you wont loose monster you bred/bought recently) just the end dates will change back.

Credits goes too :Gryphon: Edited by ibakercrew

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