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Cartoon Wars: Hero's


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Name of Game: Cartoon Wars Hero's

Game Version if known: 1.0 (the supposed pre cracked apk on the forums)

Name of Cheat: Gold Hack

Address of Mine: 0x57e3b980


  1. Open both {game_name}, and GameGuardian.
  2. On the very first screen (where you select your hero) before you do perform a search for the gold you have (2500 I think)
  3. once the scan is complete buy your hero
  4. perform a followup scan on the new amount
  5. you should have your address, add it and have fun

Name of Cheat: Mana Hack (the stuff that randomly increases and decreases when you build your units)


  1. Open both {game_name}, and GameGuardian.
  2. NOTE: The real value is not the same as the displayed value
  3. NOTE 2: I'm not going to tell you the log used because where is the fun in that
  4. Do a fuzzy search (be playing a level and make sure that the game is paused when you search
  5. Build a unit to decrease the value (by as much as possible because it regenerates quickly)
  6. Do a follow up fuzzy search for a less value
  7. Repete the process until you have <5 addresses
  8. So because the value is coded look for a similarity somewhere between what you can see and what gamegaurdian has found, say you have 330/500 look for something that has 330 in it (easy example and my thumbs are getting tired) there is a value there that will show like 17330 or 16330,that is the address that you want
  9. Add the address and lock it in at your value, i just used 18000 (no clue how much it is but I know that it works :P)
Edited by Cooperb
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