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CS:GO First Realese


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Aimbot :
- Auto Aim
- Auto Aim Key
- Aim Position (Head - Body - Body/Head - Head/Body - Full Hit Scan)
- Aim Priority (None - Closest - Near Crosshair - Smart)
- Auto Fire
- Aim Angle (Normal - Smart)
- Non-Sticky Smooth Aim
- Auto Wall
- Silent Aim
- Aim Time
- Bullet Control System (Start aiming after X bullets and/or Stop aiming after X bullets)
- No Recoil (Visual only - Recoil Control System - Full)
- No Spread (Non-shaking - Full)
- Anti Aim
- Anti Anti Aim
- Projectile Prediction ( Tweakable from weapon configs)
- AutoPistol
- Weapons Config ( Different Aimbot config for each weapons)
Triggerbot :
- Normal Triggerbot
- NoSpread Triggerbot
- ProSpread Triggerbot
- Burst Mode Triggerbot
- Magnetic-Aim Triggerbot
- HitZone (Head - Body - Head/Body - Everything)
- AutoWall Triggerbot
- Triggerbot Key
- Triggerbot Delay (Delay to start triggering)
- Weapons Config ( Different Triggerbot config for each weapons)
Visual :
- Warning System (Is Visible - Can see you - Aim at You)
- Crosshair (Cross - Dot - Scaled Cross)
- Hit Indicator (Enemy - All)
- Hit Information (Name)
- Chams
- Wallhack
Esp :
- Player ESP (Red Team - Blue Team - Tools)
- Show Team (Ally - Enemy - Custom)
- Player Info (Name - Distance- Health- Weapon)
- Item ESP (Medic - Weapons - Items - Projectiles)
- Item Info (Name - Distance)
- Bounding Box
- HealthBar (Top - Left - Bottom)
- Head ESP (Cross - Dot - Box)
- Visibility Checks
- 3 ESP Icons (Cross - Square - Square Cross) 
- 6 ESP Style (Normal - Right - Bottom - Box Normal - Box Right - Box Bottom) 
2D Radar:
- Player ESP (Red Team - Blue Team - Tools)
- Show Team (Ally - Enemy - Custom)
- Item ESP (Medic - Weapons - Items - Projectiles)
- Visibility Checks
- Hide Window
- Hide Lines
- Resize
- Max Distance
Misc :
- BunnyHop
- Name Stealer
- FriendList System
- ShitList System
Other :
- 100% configurable Menu (Enable / Disable features with pure ease)
- Console (Cvar - Scripting)
- Bind system
- Multiple Configs (Load - Save)
- Multiple Themes (Load - Save)
- Weapons Config ( Different Aimbot/Triggerbot config for each weapons)
- Support Vac 3.
- Anti-Leak protection.
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