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STN is in the house!


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Figure i would introduce myself finally instead of just lurking.


I am STN and i am the master-mind behind DEViATED trainers, IM and any other projects we have made. Cooperb introduced me to this place months ago when it wasn't as big as it is now and then i found it again through anon.


I didn't like the old theme so i guess that is why i didn't felt like dropping by much hehe, but this new theme is just awesome and i felt like saying hi. Oh just so you all know i don't know a thing about androids or even have one (hate it) but we have a project thats related to android that i am admining and this is one hell of a resource on that so i keep myself stumbling upon here again and again. Hopefully there are other things happening here that will keep my interest than just android.


So thats about me, how is everyone else :D




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Hello and Welcome to GG :) !


lol mate, i am sorry if i offended you in someway. But it was just the word "f**k" i used in my profile status from a rather famous movie. I didn't know this site was toddlers-friendly, honestly thought we were all adults here or at least teenagers. I mean i have said the F word to girls i was on a first date with so really surprised i got a warning for this word...can't even say the F word to express my madness :(.


Can you please link me to the rules, i do not want to get in bad terms with anyone here over something trivial like this again. You didn't even answer my PM so i must have pissed you off really bad because your profile says you do not answer if you don't like someone. Gee, i am really really sorry  :huh:

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