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How to Change this Struct with KittyMemory?



i need to change this:




    // RVA: 0xED1418 Offset: 0xED1418 VA: 0xED1418

    public string GetConnectionURL() { }


in that struct:


// Namespace:


public struct NetworkDatabase // TypeDefIndex: 5856


    // Fields


    private bool debugMode; // 0x0


    private string connectionUrl; // 0x4


    private string masterURL; // 0x8


    private string masterPort; // 0xC


    // Methods


    // RVA: 0xED1408 Offset: 0xED1408 VA: 0xED1408

    public string get_MasterURL() { }


    // RVA: 0xED1410 Offset: 0xED1410 VA: 0xED1410

    public string get_MasterPort() { }


    // RVA: 0xED1418 Offset: 0xED1418 VA: 0xED1418

    public string GetConnectionURL() { }


    // RVA: 0xED1470 Offset: 0xED1470 VA: 0xED1470

    public string GetMasterURL() { }


in that function:




public class Lua : ScriptableObject // TypeDefIndex: 5855


    // RVA: 0xED0A90 Offset: 0xED0A90 VA: 0xED0A90

    public NetworkDatabase get_NetworkDatabaseSettings() { }






using kittymemory, but idk how to change a value inside a struct with kitty memory

Edited by douglaspo
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