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[REQUEST] Harvest Land - Interested in stat information only


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I was looking at the decompiled APK file from Harvest Land in the hopes of trying to find information about all the items, buildings, etc. However, I was unable to find anything. I found a clear text file for all the Dragon Race task information (which is amazing), but that isn't what I am looking for ultimately.

I'm not interested in changing values, I just want to know what the current values are. To be more clear, I am trying to find the values that can be found at websites like: https://harvest-land.fandom.com/wiki/Buildings. I am hoping that this data can be located or possibly calculated from a downloaded APK file. I am interested in seeing how this data changes version after version.

The best I was able to come up with while searching through the decompiled APK file was item schemas and item digests.

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