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gg.prompt !! Please help me finish my script



Hello I hope someone will help me ..

gg.searchNumber("1;2;3;4", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)

gg.promt  -- here is I want to prompt me which one to edit from the results .. 

For example , results are 1,2 and 3 and it will prompt me which result will I edit.. 

 Its hard . And I am confused .. HELP!!

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3 answers to this question

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local t = { nil }

gg.searchNumber('1;2;3;4', 4)

k = gg.getResultCount()
r = gg.getResults(k)

for i, v in pairs(r) do
	value = gg.prompt({ i .. ". Enter your new value for: " .. v.value }, { nil }, { 'number' })
	t[i] = {
		['address'] = v.address,
		['flags'] = 4,
		['value'] = value[1],
		['freeze'] = true,
		['freezeType'] = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL


Idk it will help your problem or not but you can try this

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3 hours ago, RizPrasety said:

local t = { nil }

gg.searchNumber('1;2;3;4', 4)

k = gg.getResultCount()
r = gg.getResults(k)

for i, v in pairs(r) do
	value = gg.prompt({ i .. ". Enter your new value for: " .. v.value }, { nil }, { 'number' })
	t[i] = {
		['address'] = v.address,
		['flags'] = 4,
		['value'] = value[1],
		['freeze'] = true,
		['freezeType'] = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL


Idk it will help your problem or not but you can try this

Thanks but it's not like this .. what I want is for example

It will prompt me with the result of my search like

"Please select which result to edit"

Result = 1

Result = 2

Result = 3

Result = 4

And then  I pick result 1 and edit the value of 1 ..

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7 hours ago, Think3r said:


It will prompt me with the result of my search like

"Please select which result to edit"

Result = 1

Result = 2

Result = 3

Result = 4

And then  I pick result 1 and edit the value of 1 ..

local a = gg.searchNumber("1; 2; 3; 4" , gg.TYPE_DWORD)
local b = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount())
local c = gg.clearResults()
local d
local e = {}
local h = {}
for f, g in next, b do
	if g.value == 1 then
		e[1] = g.value
		h[1] = "Edit 1:"
	elseif g.value == 2 then
		e[2] = g.value
		h[2] = "Edit 2:"
	elseif g.value == 3 then
		e[3] = g.value
		h[3] = "Edit 3:"
	elseif g.value == 4 then
		e[4] = g.value
		h[4] = "Edit 4:"
for f, g in next, b do
	d = gg.prompt (h, e, {"number", "number", "number", "number"})
   until d ~= nil
for f, g in next, b do
	if g.value == 1 and d[1] then
		b[f].value = d[1]
	elseif g.value == 2 and d[2] then
		b[f].value = d[2]
	elseif g.value == 3 and d[3] then
		b[f].value = d[3]
	elseif g.value == 4 and d[4] then
		b[f].value = d[4]
local i = gg.setValues(b)


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