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[Request] Caves (Roguelike) Android

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12 hours ago, Kotsur_Maks said:

Thank you very much for your answer! And the last question, how to hack inventory for a large number of slots? Thanks in advance

sorry, but I haven't been able to find any pointers related to the inventory or the character's stats. The developer has put up a lot of obstacles for cheaters like us, haha. Every time I try to modify something, the system resets it to its default values and wipes all progress, so you basically have to kill the character and start over from scratch…  

I'm pretty sure the dev knows exactly what we're doing here. The only other way to crack this would be by using reverse engineering tools to dig into the inventory structure or the character's stats

4 hours ago, Suati97 said:

извините, но я не смог найти никаких указателей, связанных с инвентарем или статистикой персонажа. Разработчик создал много препятствий для читеров вроде нас, хаха. Каждый раз, когда я пытаюсь что-то изменить, система сбрасывает его до значений по умолчанию и стирает весь прогресс, так что вам по сути приходится убивать персонажа и начинать с нуля…  

Я почти уверен, что разработчик точно знает, что мы здесь делаем. Единственный другой способ взломать это — использовать инструменты обратного проектирования, чтобы покопаться в структуре инвентаря или статистике персонажа

on the 4pda website a guy breaks the game using smali code, but doesn't want to disclose this method

3 hours ago, Kotsur_Maks said:

on the 4pda website a guy breaks the game using smali code, but doesn't want to disclose this method

I'm definitely out of that league, I'd rather enjoy my free time hahaha

  • 3 weeks later...

So, I’ve been trying to find a way to edit perk points, and I found some interesting stuff.

0 perk points = index 35

1 perk point = 40 (so, 1 point = 5).

Sadly, this value is well protected, so you can’t edit it without ***** your perks… 😞 I also couldn’t find any pointers leading to something useful.

On the other hand, I found the player's level near the perk points, and that’s also protected, if you edit it, all your perks get reset. So, don't do it lol... But a bit higher up, I found two values representing your current XP and the XP needed to level up. So, for example, if you need 300 XP to reach the next level, you can set your XP to 299 or 300 and do something to earn XP and there you go... But don’t go over that, or all your perks will reset 😕

That way, you level up normally and get 2 perk points. I've played for a bit and managed to get 30 points without any issues. Looks like a small trick to bypass the reset.

I don’t have the exact pointers since memory changes depending on the device, but if you want to try maybe this will help you anyway, here’s my DWORD group search:


I'll drop some pics below as proof, in case anyone's interested



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