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Tapsports baseball 17


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Name of Requested File:Tapsports baseball 17

Link To Download:play store

Is the game server-sided: idk

Comments: can you please figure this game out? 16 is a breeze but new game not so much. Need to get gold

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It looks like it finds the number on the first search but once you change the gold value and search again nothing comes up.  First off, To start you need to find a tweak that Tricks the game and keeps it running in foreground so it doesn't close when jumping in and out. If u can't find one the page where u can read surveys for gold is a good screen to go to. Game won't close. iPhone has a tweak called dissident. Works real well keeping the app from crashing. But doesn't help if we can't find the numbers!  I have the newer version of igameguardian for iOS and I don't even know which search option to use. I32, I64? What is this?!? Lol

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