Script must load all addresses withing range, with a offset of 4 and store all of it in new table named "table". Problem is that GG crashes or gets stuck after a minute.
ranges = gg.getRangesList("anon:libc_malloc")
anon = {}
for i, v in ipairs(ranges) do
if v.state == "Ca" then
anon[#anon + 1] = {anonStart = ranges[i].start, anonEnd = ranges[i]["end"], loop = ranges[i]["end"] - ranges[i].start}
table = {}
-- e = {}
for i, v in ipairs(anon) do
for j = 1, v.loop/4 do
table[#table + 1] = {address = v.anonStart, flags = gg.TYPE_QWORD}
v.anonStart = v.anonStart + 4
gg.loadResults(table) -- gg gets stuck
I understand that i can use gg. searchNumber(), but i want/need all addresses and want to load them when i have to using gg loadResults(). Is there q fix for the crash?