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Everything posted by 1stNigerian

  1. No fear, if you see this, know that I'm so happy to see that name again. Man it's been years now, time flys
  2. Mr Nofear. ??? trying to be a pro like you i didn't give up on hacking the latest version of day r, rather i went back in time to make your method work for me. Guess what, i downloaded a very old version of day,r, hacked it with your method, even bought some items not available to us in the newest version, then updated the app and voala it worked flawlessly for me. Just know I'm a fan and i have my eyes on your work.
  3. Well for me the method where you increased the beefcan in the invertory then change it to caps dont work for me, i can't seem to multiply any items in my inventory. Values are never found, used every possible method you gave on here and elsewhere, i am currently using the latest version of day r,
  4. You sure are one hell of a busy guy nofear. I respect that. I been meaning to learn from you, but i guess thats a no go area.
  5. Sorry guys, I'm late. No fear. d*** boy, ive been on your trail, what can i do to get your attention once more? I neeeeeeeeeeed help??.
  6. I appreciate the help you've given me so far, I appreciate big time newbie
  7. Hey mr No fear. Mr rastakiwi.mr newbie. I wanna learn. Please add me on wats aapp. +2348148068043
  8. Got it, it's +1,-1 yields in game diamond used as currency when sold in shop
  9. How's that possible, i tried but can't get the format for rear, care to share
  10. Noted
  11. Just do a fuzzy search dword on your gold amount. Then spend from it and fuzzy search again with either change or unchanged values to be sure. Till you'll get about 30-40 results. You'll see an encrypted value of same range as your gold. Let's take for instance you have gold amount 128,899 when you count the digits they are six, then check for six digits encrypted value from your results, and voala. Go to memory and you'll find other encrypted positive values two up and three down from the gold encrypted value. The first two up are the holy water and diamond. The next two down are levels and in-game days timer. Enjoy
  12. It didn't work for me, couldn't find it. Once I was able to change gold reward to holy water but now I just can't figure out which number it was????. If I can just figure it out then I will use that same number to pinpoint other holy water rewards, don't know if it'll work though. Rastakiwi? Newbie? Anyone? Any idea how to change gold to holy?
  13. Thanks bro. What would I have done without you and Rastakiwi and the game guardian team that created the app and this website to learn and teach eachother.
  14. I understand how you changed the gold reward to epic chest, what I don't understand is how you changed holy water to a weapon. I've tried but to no avail
  15. It worked alright. But mehn it destroyed my well progressing game. By the time I altered the days timer, everything turned upside down. I had to restart my game to set the days back to normal again. And FYI I discovered an easy route to the timer. My advice is it should be left alone.
  16. ??? guys whoa whoooaa, hold up ??. Whaaaaat, is going on here? What language are you guys speaking? Is this not the same game i hacked so swiftly like a hot knife through butter(thanks to Rastakiwi and Co) ? Now this language you guys are speaking can corrupt my brain just trying to comprehend,. Please big boys, brake it down will ya? After all hacking this game is simple. (thanks to Rastakiwi and Co )
  17. Rastakiwi, Newbie, maybe this might help save your often corrupted game data. Well my cure for that was founded two years ago when i was still trying to hack the dungeon survival game. When you see game corruption warning just ignore it. Close the app without with tapping on restart when the game shows it, to me it's just a trick. Close the app the same way you clear off the previously opened apps on your phone to release memory, simple as that. If it didn't work for you, then that's been my meds
  18. Muwaahahaha+ahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahaha I finally did it Rastakiwi. Thanks bro. Everything is mine. Two years of struggle is finally over. Yeaaaaaaaaaah?????????
  19. Wow thanks Rastakiwi, let me give that a try. And Mr Newby I'll pm you
  20. Well i got gold through quest rewards, just had to search for the amount of gold i got as quest reward, i searched for it as dword value and got up to 16 results, so i began to modify each one to see if the reward value has changed, that was how I got gold. But holy water has been a no no
  21. Newbie, that's the biggest problem i got. Editing item shop prices, 1st i don't see or know how that's possible, i have no idea what values they go with, whether it's dword or word or bytes or xor, I'm totally clueless. Diamond or is what i just wanna hack.
  22. Thanks @alliver45, thanks @Nofear, I really appreciate the hints and pointers from you guys. I have had this dungeon survival game for two good years now grinding my way through it. Thanks to your help i can now mod gold, stats and items, but diamonds and holy water? Wow my brain is just so buzzed out trying to figure out how you guys did it. FYI I'm still an amateur to this gg app. A few more hint to the right direction will do. Thanks once again
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