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JodecidaL last won the day on May 30 2014

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    Xperia Tablet Z/HTCM8
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  1. just want to say thanks for this. used the editor and put it to 40...and sheebus! one thing of note, I kept messing up by forgetting to put the file back to read only before launching the game. anyways, got it now, so thanks. if you need bins just redownload the game and save originals in another folder on your PC so you'll always have them...peace
  2. Name of Game:Hello Hero Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk):https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fincon.globalHH Version: 5.0.4 What cheat? Health, xp, gold...:Honor/Gold/Gems/Stamina/Item or Hero attribute increases Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?:Values were found but changing did nothing Comments:Although I know most of the time requesting the big $$$ items (gems) to get modded are almost impossible on 'server sided' games, if I didn't throw the request, I'd never know. I've noticed the game was on the Freedom list as not being able to work with that, just FYI. Thanks in advance
  3. I gotta say this title is very enjoyable as of right now. Right amount of collectible mobs and timers for regen. I know this isn't the section but can a moderator please move this to the android request section for coins/crystals/ember....thanks. First post for me but the work done on this site/by the coders and by GG is second to none. I'm always browsing, thanks in advance
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