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    HTC Senstation 4G; HP Touchpad CM9

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  1. I think I may have answered my own question. My adresses for Money are 0xXXXXX9EC and Gold 0xXXXXX9F0. It follows a similar pattern as the one posted above. You just have to figure out the money and then count up (in Hexidecimal) 4 numbers (ie from 0C to 10 or from EC to F0). I hope that helps. If it does, like my post. Thanks -- Zeustopher
  2. Anyone know if these addresses have changed? The money address for me is showing something different at the end. Also, I found a way for those who want to try and use the slots to get some easy chips. If you exit the game completely and then change the date on you device to tomorrow's date it will give you 2 chips when you get back in the game. Hopefully that helps someone (I know it did for me).
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