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  1. I talked to chikri myself and she said its patched so it won't work anymore in guns of boom so we're screwed.. no more easy kills lol
  2. Request for guns of boom always headshot update. Since the new guns of boom update always headshot doesn't work anymore
  3. Please update always headshot
  4. This is what it's telling me in guns of boom trying to use the always headshot script
  5. OK also since the update I did use my script with always headshot and out of 16 kills I only got two headshots.. do u think guns of boom took that certain hack away or is something wrong with ther script? I never had a problem before the update in the game
  6. Hi I play guns of boom and they recently updated it saying they can detect cheaters now. Is this true? WI'll I be banned if I tryour to use it in the game?
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