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  1. K4D1U5

    Script isn't searching

    I know it is my business, for this reason you can close the topic because I already solve the problem. Was in my range to low.
  2. K4D1U5

    Script isn't searching

    Sorry, I did my best now to specific but the reality is I have no idea what's going on with the script.
  3. K4D1U5

    Script isn't searching

    Hello, I was scripting to might Quest for epic loot and the script is "jumping" the search. Can someone help me? The 17th line isn't searching health range, but the script continue running. healthMin = tonumber(health,10) - 0.6 --set range health healthMax = tonumber(health,10) + 0.6 --set range health gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.searchNumber(healthMin.."~"..healthMax,gg.TYPE_FLOAT,false,gg.SIGN_EQUAL) --this line gg.sleep(speedSearch*100) gg.toast("Loss some HP to continue...") gg.sleep(speedSearch*600) I've tried delete de function but it still doesn't work. Thank you guys! MightyQuest.lua
  4. K4D1U5


    In offline mode i found ammo amount, health amount and others data, but the game put it on clound when the match is online. I'm think the max amount of health or ammo maybe is near and is a client side information, just maybe. I'm trying to change the value but i think it has a key to edit. If someone is still trying to hack this, please, stay this topic alive. I'm making a script that change the ammo and health to a high value(i'm not freezing because it sometimes breaks the game) in offline mode, 70% is done, i think soon i will post here. To find ammo: In equips check the ammo max(like 30, 100 or somethink like this), start the match, search of this value(some weapons has some different informations near, so still can't do a group search. Do some shoots(I wait to empty my ammo and change to my knife and search by 0. reload, search by 30 and then it's done. To find health: Check your operator life, it has a add between (), like 2100(300), sum all values you will get the real life max, in my case is 2400, so search by this value, wait die(because the cooldown to regeneration is 6 sec) search by 0, wait be alive, search by max hp and then get some shoots and check the value, frequently is the first value(not 100%). All this inforrmations is avaliable in online matches, but in server side. The amount of coins is a thing that can be hacked, but i still din't find it. I think it has some exploit in the game in the match that can give us some coins, maybe editing the revenge, kill amount or something near of this.
  5. Released. Check it and review me about what can i improve. I'm searching the pointer by now, but it is my first pointer search ever. LOL
  6. Thank you. I'm doing the next step, so, check this out soon. May tomorrow it will be release.
  7. Version 0.3.1


    This is a simple script that add money in the game. It's my first script in GG. I hope you read the code and help me to make an awesome hack. About the script: This starts a fuzzy search, than you have to get a lending, pay the lending and select the add value. Video using the script:
  8. View File Brasfoot Money unlimited This is a simple script that add money in the game. It's my first script in GG. I hope you read the code and help me to make an awesome hack. About the script: This starts a fuzzy search, than you have to get a lending, pay the lending and select the add value. Video using the script: Submitter K4D1U5 Submitted 08/26/18 Category LUA scripts
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