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  1. @NoFear any chance you've been looking at Raid shadow legends ?
  2. Yeh no success. But I've only been trying with energy and silver. I'm also gonna see if luckypatcher will work.
  3. Have you tried with energy?
  4. I managed to narrow it down to 14 values using a search for an encrypted value. But none matched the in game value. I altered each, one after the other. I didnt replace, used the "do not replace, add to" option. No change to the in game value though.
  5. What process are you using? Just searching for a known value? Also, how are you doing it in game to reduce or increase gems? Buying stuff, collecting rewards?
  6. Every time I've tried to get a gem value, I probably get one "refine" search done and then next search I get zero results. I'm not sure what the next step is there.
  7. So I managed to successfully increase my common shards. Im sure I could do it for the other ones, however I dont have enough of them to be able to search enough to narrow down the values. Searching for values of 1 or 0 gives too many results to modify them in a fashion that would allow me to figure out which one is for the shard I'm trying to increase. I'll have to build up my gems and buy a larger pack of blue shards, I guess.
  8. Have you successfully modified that value to increase your common shards? Even finding the energy value would be great. I’ve been trying but, admittedly, I am not very familiar with gameguardian do am not even sure I’m doing it right.
  9. I've been trying. But I'm not even sure if it's client side. I haven't successfully even found a value that matches my gem count.
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