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Everything posted by Maddin

  1. Thanks CmP and Enyby. Now it works, and i can try next things.... Topic closed
  2. Hm, i get Errors....
  3. OK, and how can i solve the next situation? gg.setVisible (false) gg.searchNumber ('123;4567;8901', gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.searchNumber ('123', gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.getResults (100) gg.editAll ('545454', gg.TYPE_DWORD) 123 ist now changed to 545454, and in the second step i want to change 4567 to 998877 for example. I have to clear the result and search again? Or can i solve this with an other rule? And with gg.setVisible (false) it run the script, but at the end it push the message again: Message - Script ended.... - Copy - Restart - OK. But this Message i don't like
  4. Hy, i use following simple script gg.searchNumber ('123;4567;8901', gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.getResults (100) gg.editAll ('545454', gg.TYPE_DWORD) How can i solve my problem. I have to search by group to find the correct 123 value. But i only want to change 123 into 545454, the other two values should be as they are. And what i have to do, that gameguardian will go back to the game. It always come up the Message - Script ended.... - Copy - Restart - OK. After the run of the script. Gameguardian should go back to the game. Sorry i'm new in Lua, and try my first steps.... ;-)
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