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  1. retroLS1

    LUA scripting

    Thanks. This is the simple script I am trying to put together. I apologize if it's messy, it's literally the first one I have ever done based off of what I have been reading here. The first menu choice and last menu choice work fine, it's the 2nd menu choice I am trying to get working correctly. When you search for 1.85 you get 3 results and I need to edit just the 2nd one and change to 99999, as I mentioned. Is this correct? (I copied it from the gg Class Reference guide): menu=gg.choice({'+99999% Gear & Gun','+99999% Gear only', '+100% Damage only'}) if menu==1 then gg.searchNumber('1.85',gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.getResults(100) gg.editAll('99999',gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.alert('Equip +85% Camo and Decal and enjoy!') end if menu==2 then gg.searchNumber('1.85',gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.getResults(3) r[2].value='99999' print('Edited:',gg.setValues(r)) gg.alert('Equip +85% Decal and enjoy!') end if menu==3 then gg.searchNumber('1.35',gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.getResults(500) gg.editAll('2',gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.alert('Equip +35% Camo and enjoy!') end
  2. retroLS1

    LUA scripting

    Trying to write a simple script and this tutorial has been very helpful. My question is similar to the one asked above but I didn't quite understand the answer. I am doing a Float search for a number (1.35) and GG comes up with 3 results every time. I only need to edit/change the 2nd out of 3 results. EditAll does not work because it edits all of them (obviously). How would I specify the 2nd result for editing? editResult(2) or something along those lines? Thanks for the help.
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