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  1. Version 1.1 Beta


    Note: sometimes you wont be able to access because im doing maintenance Note: ALL hacks are mine Join My Discord (No Mods Or Else Instant Ban): https://discord.gg/KzHe6JN
  2. View File Insidious (Forward Assault) Script Note: sometimes you wont be able to access because im doing maintenance Note: ALL hacks are mine Join My Discord (No Mods Or Else Instant Ban): https://discord.gg/KzHe6JN Submitter Pyxe Submitted 09/07/18 Category LUA scripts
  3. This menu is discontinued.
  4. Might have patched esp
  5. View File Insidious Revamped (Guns of Boom) Script Note: sometimes you wont be able to access because im doing maintenance Note: not all hacks are mine Join My Discord (No Mods Or Else Instant Ban): https://discord.gg/KzHe6JN Submitter Pyxe Submitted 08/30/18 Category LUA scripts
  6. Version 1.2 Beta


    Note: sometimes you wont be able to access because im doing maintenance Note: not all hacks are mine Join My Discord (No Mods Or Else Instant Ban): https://discord.gg/KzHe6JN
  7. Lol where is your proof? The script is completely server sided so Thats how it loads the script. Lmao learn your facts before you type.
  8. Your so Funny, you copy n paste s*** kid. How bout your decrypt my latest version, o wait, you cant LMAO.
  9. Good for you, its not the latest version LMAO
  10. I accidently did ?, but my script is encrypted with the compiler from gg. So idk. _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later Oh i uploaded the wrong file again?
  11. Thats not in my code tho, and thats just so no one steals my script...
  12. Lol i didnt claim as mine?
  13. You got some serious balls, stealing menus and not even encrypting??
  14. How do you know its a scam? It accesses network so i can turn the script on and off when i please.
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