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Everything posted by Fridayblack

  1. I will, appreciate your quick help ?
  2. Ah thought u proposed the same version for the second time, i see now. The second test version makes the speedhack work, and can kill the process now, also it doesnt get stuck anymore when i try to change the process to another one, thanks man. Here is the log And the thing ive just noticed is that it writes 'speedhack loaded' now when with the previous versions it was probably loading forever withour any result, never got that message no matter how long ive waited Log_2018-04-03_16-58-03.txt
  3. That was the log from the test version
  4. It shows 150kb for me for the one i uploaded before, is it really below 30kb for you? Ok i made another one, shows 280+kb for me, here Log_2018-04-03_16-24-12.txt
  5. Reuploaded with another program
  6. GG speedhack doesn't work even in test app, got the rooted galaxy k-zoom, included the 2 log files from hardware and software GGs, what can be the issue? Thanks btw it also cant kill the game process, maybe it doesnt work at all for me? Though every other app has the root access like lucky patcher, adfree, etc, and are all working fine Reuploaded the log, used another program Log_2018-04-03_15-20-42.txt
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