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Everything posted by Krosork

  1. Some phones just don't support the code. I'm talking with a dev right now, he's working on a solution.
  2. I really don't know what else to do. I've just uninstalled Magisk and flashed superSU and Wallhack still doesn't work. Am I using the wrong version of the game?
  3. Hello, could Magisk be the problem? Gameguardian should work fine though, right? Since I granted root access. Should I try an older release ? I really don't know what I'm doing wrong..
  4. I'm going to test it now. I'll uninstall Magisk and install the normal superuser zip file. I'll edit this post when I'm done. *Edit 1 : I've uninstalled and reinstalled Magisk thinking that would solve the problem - it doesn't. I'm going to uninstall it again and flash the superSU zip instead. I'll edit this post again once I'm done. *Edit 2 : Not going to install superSU - Maybe someone could actually reply to me and tell me if the problem is in fact Magisk. I don't know what else it could be. I've copied the exact settings, like OP said and I'm obviously rooted and it still just turns everyone white.
  5. Here's the changelog for the upcoming update of pubg ( 0.4.0 ) Should we be worried?
  6. Is it a problem that I'm using Magisk? Since it's systemless root.
  7. I've just tried it with the 1.4 Wallhack still doesn't work for me. What version of pubg mobile are you using ? Global or Chinese?
  8. I'm using the HUAWEI P8 I've also tried numerous times with the latest version of your script ( 1.3 ) What do you mean by " You can search in lobby room" ?
  9. Hello, I've just registered on this website because of this post. The wallhack function doesn't work. I've must have tried at least 20 times or more the past few days. I've recorded a video showing each step, please watch it and tell me if I'm doing something wrong. Here's the link YouTube video
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