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  1. only use wallhack & color with mod apk. DTamvan V2.5.TAi @asphalt008
  2. @asphalt008 these became outdated by now
  3. @RashidRoger No bro all of these became outdated. cause update 0.8.0 just dropped yesterday.. Some of them might work but not all functions.. I recommend not using any of them on 0.8.0
  4. haha, you are on -minus reputation.. Get wrecked liar kid. _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later I will give u link antiban galaxy mod @junfeel2
  5. View File 10 Latest Pubg Scripts decrypted {Direct download link all 10 :) } Fed up with those noob**s uploaders who put latest version in link shortener site & put outdated old versions in download section. Ya me too. F**k them. Here I come to the rescue. Long Live GG, Long Live Cheating ???? Submitter Derby240 Submitted 09/12/18 Category LUA scripts
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Fed up with those noob**s uploaders who put latest version in link shortener site & put outdated old versions in download section. Ya me too. F**k them. Here I come to the rescue. Long Live GG, Long Live Cheating ????
  7. Bad day for those script encrypters & good day for us..
  8. No need. thx
  9. View File Simple hacks. Very little chances of getting banned (Script Simple V1.4 by Dtamvan) I deleted dangerous hacks that might cause ban. Script was decrypted by APERSO Submitter Derby240 Submitted 09/07/18 Category LUA scripts
  10. Version 3.0


    I deleted dangerous hacks that might cause ban. Script was decrypted by APERSO
  11. Thank u very much bro...
  12. what is the benefit of a decrypted script ? can u crack the script expiry date ? https://www.droidtamvan.me/2018/09/new-analin-v16-script-vip-hack-pubg.html?m=1 _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later remove pass & decrypt plz , pass is 1314 Simple V1.4.lua
    bro u forgot to add a bypass.I like ur hack because i always wanted to hack & let anyone else not no about this. This combos are good. Please add micro aimbot. less recoil is good. Dont add no recoil cause it causes spectators attention.
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