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Everything posted by Peggyarmor

  1. bump
  2. >thread about hacking the coins >wants to buy coins LOL No, no need to buy coins for actual money, just spend or get any. Buy some cheap decoration.
  3. If somebody still stuck with this number guessing and search. This is an easier way.
  4. 2nd link doesn't work
  5. Sorry, but this kind of remarks are silly. OK! I MADE IT!!!! FINALLY! I found easier way without these numbers play. Basically you search your nominal value eg 1000 in Dword range but in ENCRYPTED mode ( I dunno how's it in English version). Then begin spending coins/cash and begin refining values until you get 3-4 addresses/ There will be YOUR value, a negative value, maybe 0 and random value. Change YOUR value to desired, make negative to positive or visaversa, 0 and random just put 99999999. Go back to game, spend something and SUCCESS. I'd like to thank everyone in this thread. Thanks guys!!!
  6. Dude, you REALLY think that I skipped this point??? FORREAL???
  7. So? What do you want to say with this copypaste from here The Sims Mobile [Currency, XP, items] (#2upfftwq) ??? Please read the thread before posting something. Thanks
  8. Doesn't work. As I have mentioned: no 9 digit value 1;0;1;2;0;1;3;0::137 0;1;3;0::17 1;3;0::9 0 1;0;1;2;0;1;3;0::137 0;1;2;0::17 1;2;0::9 0 1;0;1;2;0;1;3;0::137 0;0;0;1;3;0::37 1;3;0::9 0 1;0;1;2;0;1;3;0::137 0;0;0;1;2;0::37 1;2;0::9 0 These does not give any 9 digit values to me But this 1;2;0::9 0 Then 1;3;0::9 0 give me four 9 digit values (see above) I'm stuck.
  9. Guys, if you could give guide with screenshots, I appreciate it. Thanks!
  10. I used this method 1;2;0::9 0 Then 1;3;0::9 0 This gives you more than 2000 addressses
  11. Ok. Let me follow this. So, I search and refine 1;2;0::9 0 then I search and refine 1;3;0::9 0 ok. I got 2015 addresses I change address by 4 I look for 9 digit numbers which lookalike I found them Finally I have the following (see pictures) What do I do next?
  12. Well, for me it gives completely different outcomes. If I use written guide 1;0;1;2;0;1;3;0::137 0;0;0;1;3;0::37 1;3;0::9 0 1;0;1;2;0;1;3;0::137 0;0;0;1;2;0::37 1;2;0::9 0 , I have around 40 addresses and non of them have 9 digits after location change. If I use digits from the video, 1;0;1;2;0;1;3;0::137 0;1;3;0::17 1;3;0::9 0 1;0;1;2;0;1;3;0::137 0;1;2;0::17 1;2;0::9 0 I have over 500 addreses and only with 10 digits after location change.
  13. @NoFear Big question here. The Sims Mobile [Currency, XP, items] (#2upfftwq) Here, you say BUT! In the video you posted above (thanks a lot) you insert these digits 0;1;3;0::17 Which one is the right digit order?
  14. @NoFear Hi, could you be kind and forward me the message you've sent to @NoScope360? Thanks!
  15. So much confusion, why so many secrecy??? Anyway, thanks.
  16. In this case, could you please forward me that message? Thanks!
  17. @NoScope360 Could you please post here the PM which @NoFear have sent you? I think I got it, but still it is quite difficult without the video guide. Thanks!
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