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    Very good and nice layout. Would you be interested in adding my weapon converter to your menu?
  1. Technically if it was open source how could he have stolen it?
  2. Isn't this almost the same as mac10s script?
  3. View File Fwd Assault Weapon Converter V Hey guys I made a weapon converter for forward assault. If you want to use it in defuse/death match make sure to drop your primary weapon first. I worked very hard on this so make sure to upvote if it's working for you. This menu has almost every singe weapon combo you can think of with the exception of Karambit combo and butterfly knife combo. Unlimited ammo doesn't work on every gun. Submitter GameHacker4 Submitted 01/07/19 Category Forward Assault
  4. Version 1.0.1


    Hey guys I made a weapon converter for forward assault. If you want to use it in defuse/death match make sure to drop your primary weapon first. I worked very hard on this so make sure to upvote if it's working for you. This menu has almost every singe weapon combo you can think of with the exception of Karambit combo and butterfly knife combo. Unlimited ammo doesn't work on every gun.
  5. Thank you brother this is working. Upvoted!
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