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    4.4.x (KitKat)
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    Samsung Galaxy S6; iPhone 7

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  1. no sorry. we don't accept more member!
  2. no I only accept @SimcityHacker and @Montalivet. I don't accept more! sorry
  3. you can join our club righ now
  4. but you have lvl 10 cards and you can use game guardian right?
  5. ok i tell you when our war is over
  6. Do u want to join our Club? I saw your apply a few minutes ago... u can try it after our war again if u want! i don't accept anybody! our club is War Alliance Reunion @Montalivet
  7. yea... that is better!
  8. You only can join us when u stop writing every word with a big letter! "So I Mean This For Example"
  9. I am not Showtime City I am Showtime Paradise. I don't make you this offer again
  10. haha ?
  11. who u mean?
  12. lol really? I am showtime Paradise
  13. @SimcityHacker u can join us after war if u want! we already won this war! u guys can't win at all
  14. I cant remember! I never had a tree earth in my club!
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