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    htc rezound

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  1. Doesn't work with latest update
  2. App updated and i dont understand russian to create an account, google translate cant translate the captcha image either. please up;date this when possible. thank you. such an amazing advanced script.
  3. lol, na , u r rekt m8
  4. Another copy\paste, what the ***** is wrong with these kids ? Do they not realize everyone notices?
  5. Yo this was uploaded like 12 hours ago by ChinaNumbahWon, look under downloads before posting, he also leaked PMH script.
  6. "he think he smart" broken english trash talking the guy who makes GG, LMAO
  7. just installed gg 6.0 g how do i use the lock function do i need to donate? where/how is it used?
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