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    Ipad Air 2 ; Samsung A5;Samsung Tab 3

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  1. so i made a loadstring script were it should load a script option from pastebin but if i try this option the menu crashes is it even possible to do this? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/421661124161962005/440604254949081090/loadstring_test.lua
  2. I want to make a passwort and decrypt this script it still makes harder to steal the script
  3. i made a lua script for gameguardian but i do not want that someone steal my work . I want to know how to decrypt a script and make it still runable i know its possible here are a script that are still working even if it is decrypted this is a gamguardian lua script: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/425715193214009365/440215100079734795/Invincible_and_accelerated.lua this is just a lua script for a random game https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/438550478985494531/440328056297750538/A_Sad_Gui_V1_Public.txt
    very nice
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