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  1. I solved the problem. I just deleted gg off my phone
  2. Exactly that's why the game devs should help with members. And if they are not skilled at gg than you should teach them. That way there are more experienced gg users out there. That is the explanation of application use. _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later No I can search just can't copy and paste things in on gg
  3. Yes you are right the way that he is treating the *members* should be no different then the way you treat the v.I.p`s. We where members at one point so why treat us any different. Now what if I just donate 100 dollars. You would treat me like a king. That is not the right kind of thinking you want when you make an application that you want people to use. Treat everyone the same and help when someone needs you. It is not that hard.
  4. Ok chill out first off because I was just trying to help find the cause of this error and second off you should be nicer to your customers I have given you my case and told you what was wrong if you are a lead coder than you made the program so you should know how to fix it. There is no need to get angry because I did nothing to you. And saying that it is my problem because a program that you "programmed" is not working than you are in the wrong.it is now your problem to fix your mistakes. Lowers my standards for the gg creators. Nice effort...
  5. So I think that when you copy and paste a value into gg it messes up the search because when I type it in regularly without pasting it in then it searches. When I do copy and paste values I have to reset gg and open it back up to type it in normally... You should create a fix to this problem and I am up to date on the latest gg software version 8.45.0
  6. U1uq2Coforce Yes I've tried both
  7. When I go to search for a value it tells me that It is an |Invalid Number| how do I fix this?!?!?!?!?!?
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