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  1. Install Game Guardian
  2. It seems the video was deleted. Here's my own gameplay
  3. Play Store Icon Image (upload it to GGImage) Name of Game:Sporos Game Version if known: Name of Cheat:Hint Cheat Search Regions Needed: 4byte (default is 4byte) Steps: Option 1 Open both Sporos, and GameGuardian. Go to settings>Set Search Range>All Regions Search your current hints (Your current hints must be at least 5 so the decrease in value can be easily detected). Use at least 1 hint Press GameGuardian logo>Fuzzy>Smaller Search for your current hints. If it shows a lot of results, go back to step 4. To see the changes, click the hint and you'll see. Option 2 Open both Sporos, and GameGuardian. You gain 1 hint for every 30 minutes. We'll use speed hack in this option. With speed x1000, you gain 1 hint/30secs. Go Pro, Buy all Labs Use Freedom app and buy all Labs
  4. Play Store Icon Image (upload it to GGImage) Name of Game:Alien Hive Game Version if known:1.1.1 Name of Cheat:Unlimited Energy, Magic Fruit, Blaster Search Regions Needed: All Regions Steps: A. Energy Cheat Launch Game Guardian Run Alien Hive Press the GameGuardian logo at the start of the game Go to settings>set search range>all regions Search for your current energy Go back to the game and use some energy Press GameGuardian and do Fuzzy search>smaller Find your current energy (If you can't find it, repeat step 6-7) Long press it then change to your desired value (4 bytes) Go back to the game and use some energy to see the changes. Enjoy B. Magic Fruit Cheat Launch Game Guardian Run Alien Hive Press the GameGuardian logo at the start of the game Go to settings>set search range>all regions Search for your current Magic Fruits (I prefer that you must have at least 10-15 Magic Fruits for easy searching). Go back to the game and use some Magic Fruits (at least 2) Press GameGuardian and do Fuzzy search>smaller Find your current Magic Fruits (If you can't find it, repeat step 6-7) Long press it then change to your desired value (the hex is 4 bytes). Magic Fruit limit is 30. Changing the value to more than 30 will just return 30. Go back to the game and use some Magic Fruit to see the changes. Enjoy C. Blaster Cheat (same with Magic Fruit) D. Coin Cheat Launch Game Guardian Run Alien Hive Press the GameGuardian logo Go to settings>set search range>all regions Search for your current coins Go back to the game and use some coins (buy powerups before starting the game) Start the game Press GameGuardian and do Fuzzy search>smaller Find your current coins (If you can't find it, repeat step 6-7) Long press it then change to your desired value (4 bytes). Unlimited coins!
  5. This cheat follows a basic cheating pattern except that the search range must set to ALL REGIONS. Of course, cheat tools needs root access. Coin Cheat Before searching for your current coins, go to settings>set search range>all regions. Buy a car. Do Fuzzy search>smaller Find your current coins from the results. Long-press the address and change it to the desired value Unlimited coins. Experience Points (the one used in unlocking cars) Same as the coin cheat, set search range to all regions You must have at least 310 points to do this (from my own experience). Search for your current experience points. Have a race. You must earn experience points from the race. Do Fuzzy search>larger Find your current experience points Change it to any value you want Return to the game and have 1 more race. You need to win the race! (If you won't race, the changes you made reverts back to the original value after you quit the app.) Now you've unlocked all cars!
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