I think the worst offenders are people who are almost begging for the script, mod, or hack till they realisethey won't get it and then start insulting, abusing or dissing the mod creator and telling him he's no good and makes crap scripts/mods/hacks/cheats.
This boss45 is an Indian kid which is evident from the language skills and accent. He says it js a server sided game, in that case how is he saying stars can be hacked? In those games the figures keep updating, if not all the time then surely when you click to buy and a frozen value can remain what you froze it at, but it wont work to buy anything.
Is that correct my friends, or do ineed to update myself with one of you bro's kind help?
Thanks fod doing this lord we appreciate the work and time you put in to this without any monetary incentive. All the best, keep up the good work, cheers!!
Ps - the example i gave is quite common for girls, as they keep reporting guys who start by trying to impress, but once they gef a "no" start calling the girl names etc. Frustrated @$$#0£€$.